
johnnie n.1.強尼〔男子名,John的昵稱〕。2.〔美俚〕=J...


In this interview , not only did he talk about his latest film , he was also generous to share his filmmaking experience as an editor and also some anecdotes of his collaborations with johnnie to 另外我們亦籍著這次機會訪問了關于羅導演入行和以往拍攝電影的經驗及心得。本站十分感激羅導演在百忙中抽出寶貴的時間接受我們的專訪。

To those who are familiar with johnnie to s films , director law should not be a stranger . having worked in most of the recent to s films as the associate director , including the award winning 熟悉杜琪峰電影的觀眾應該不會對羅導演的名字感到陌生因為他正是杜琪峰多部叫好叫座作品的執行導演包括2005年的最佳港片之一黑社會。

Johnnie to and wai ka - fai are good at making actiongangster films , but their approach to comedy definitely needs refinement . as i have mentioned above , this is not a horror film . it is actually a romantic comedy 杜琪峰和韋家輝的組合,拍攝英雄片份外醒神,作品大多令人期待,惜拍喜劇卻每每有事倍功半之感。

Honestly speaking , the quality of johnnie to s comedy is always fluctuating , sometimes very good , sometimes very crappy . for this film , i would say , the director should definitely thank the cast 對于這個安排,作為二三流電影還可以原諒,但是作為新年首輪電影,再加上是杜韋導演,就總不免會被人大肆挑剔一番。

Some of the gags are funny , but it is hard to find any meaning behind . honestly speaking , the quality of johnnie to s comedy is always fluctuating , sometimes very good , sometimes very crappy 片中雖有一些諷刺港府的情節,但是整體上卻十分求其,很難像《辣手回春》一樣令人有反思的馀地。

Law is a long - time collaborator with johnnie to . this time , the two paired up again , with law as the director and to as the producer , together they produced a movie adaptation of a novel titled 羅永昌導演和杜琪峰合作無間踏入2006年由杜琪峰監制羅永昌執導的新片天生一對即將上畫。

A man who went by the name of puerto rico johnnie , his real name is vernon james , confessed to the crime and dna evidence proved that he in fact did commit the crime 年,一個名為占偉能的男子,承認了麥約翰的所有控罪,證據也證明犯案者確實是占偉能,基因測試證實他就是犯案的人。

At last , may reveals a secret about king - wai . . . johnnie to and wai ka - fai are good at making action gangster films , but their approach to comedy definitely needs refinement 杜琪峰和韋家輝的組合,拍攝英雄片份外醒神,作品大多令人期待,惜拍喜劇卻每每有事倍功半之感。

Biggest disappointment doesn t necessarily mean the movie is bad , it is just that the movie fails to meet our expectation . johnnie to s my left eye sees ghost 但是阮玲玉自己是廣東人,第一語言是廣東話,國語并不靈光,故能否順利從默片過渡到有聲電影的世界是一大難題。

Special features include chapter selection , official trailer , cast and crew information and an additional trailer of another film . it is one of johnnie to s best , get the dvd now 千禧年將至,不知繼98年的絕望電影及99年的樂觀派后,杜其峰在下電影會有什么新搞作?

A judo movie from johnnie to can t be at all bad , particularly when the director is paying a conscious homage to kurosawa and to japanese genre cinema 杜琪?罕有地舍棄警匪類型,與七十年代日本電視劇同名,卻建構出風格強烈,以武會友的柔道世界。

This is the first cd of the best of johnnie carl and it enables us to give up an appropriate percentage of the revenue that this generates to linda for her and her children 這是卡約尼首張唱片,非常出色,一部份收入會轉贈蓮達和她的兒女。

Johnnie : she ' s all right , but i wish she had been a boy . willie smith had got a new sister , and now he ' ll think i ' m trying to copy him 約翰尼:那倒不是。她要是個男孩就好了。威利有了一個新生的小妹妹,現在他該認為我又在學他的樣子了。

Not a horror film , not a pure romance , not an excellent comedy . identical to johnnie to and wai ka - fai s previous comedies , stars play an important part in the film 在《暗戰二》有林雪飾演的配角陳勁威,今次則是王勁威。

With interview with filmmakers and essays on the industry s movements , and comprehensive coverage on this year s “ director in focus “ - johnnie to 專文論述98 - 99年香港電影的得失,導演專訪暢談創作緣由,并詳細介紹本屆焦點導演杜琪

Tell us how johnnie to got in touch with you , and how did you feel when you were aware that they wanted to turn it into a movie 你是《全職殺手》故事的原作者,初時杜琪峰是怎樣接觸你的?當你知道這本書會被改拍做電影有什么感覺?

In part ii of the interview , director law wing - cheong talks about his experience in editing and his collaborations with johnnie to . please click 訪問的part ii內容包括羅永昌導演的入行經歷和以往拍攝電影的心得,請按

Female characters still are not able to surpass this boundary of patriarchy . i am sure this film is a disappointment for hardcore johnnie to s fans 此片的焦點和吸引力都在演員身上,配上華衣美服,表面效果不俗。

The art of the project : projects and experiments in modern french culture edited by johnnie gratton and michael sheringham 人類學的理論預設與建構the hypothesis and construction of anthropology陳慶德等著