
johannes n.約翰尼斯〔男子名,John 的別稱〕。


The young king went towards it and was about to take hold of it , but faithful johannes pushed him away , seized it with gloves , carried it quickly to the fire , and burned it up 年青的國王走上前去準備把它們拿起來,但忠實的約翰卻把它們一把抓過,扔進火里燒掉了。

He holds degrees for computer science and mechatronics and a doctoral degree in technical sciences from the johannes kepler university in linz 他獲得了johnannes kepler university位于奧地利林茨的計算機科學和機械電子學學位以及電子科學博士學位。

Even more he liked an old german song of johannes jeep about the clear sea and the voices of sirens , sweet murderers of men , which boggled bloom a bit 他更喜歡約翰內斯吉普301那首德國的古老民謠,它描繪晴朗的海,賽侖那些殺男人的美麗兇手的歌喉。

Faithful johannes held him back , saying , “ i promised your father before his death that you should not see inside this chamber 可忠實的約翰拉著他的后背說:在你父親臨終前我發過誓,無論如何也不能讓你走進這間房子,否則你和我都會大難臨頭的。

Now known as kepler ' s supernova remnant , this object was first seen 400 years ago by sky watchers , including famous astronomer johannes kepler 這個名為開普勒超新星遺跡的天體是400年前的觀測者所發現的,其中就包括著名天文學家約翰尼斯?開普勒。

He was about to mount it when faithful johannes pushed in front of him , quickly jumped onto the horse , drew the gun from its saddlebag , and shot the horse 說完就要去上馬。說時遲,那時快,忠實的約翰搶在他之前騎上馬,抽出匕首把馬殺死了。

The young king noticed that faithful johannes always walked past this one door , and said , “ why do you never open this one for me ? 年青的國王發現忠實的約翰總是直接走過這間房子,卻并不打開房門,就問道:你為甚么不打開這間房子呢?

Faithful johannes was his favorite servant , and was so called , because he had been so loyal to him for his whole life long 忠實的約翰是一個仆人,老國王之所以這樣稱呼他,是因為他侍候國王很久了,而且非常忠誠可靠,也最受老國王喜愛。

New german president koehler raises his arm during a swearing - in ceremony in berlin july 1 , 2004 . koehler is successor of former german president johannes rau 7月1日,德國新總統克勒在柏林宣誓就職,接替任期已滿的約翰內斯?勞。

After faithful johannes had once more given his promise to the old king about this , the latter said no more , but laid his head on his pillow and died 當忠實的約翰再一次問老國王發誓以后,老國王安然地躺在枕頭上死去了。

Professor johannes chan sc welcomed professor hannum by saying , “ professor hannum s arrival is an excitement for the faculty 港大法律學院院長陳文敏教授在歡迎翰林教授時說:對于獲得翰林教授加盟本學院,我實在深感欣慰。

And when he had smeared the stone with their blood , it returned to life , and faithful johannes stood before him , again healthy and well 但就在他拔出佩劍的一剎那,忠實的約翰復活了,他站在國王的面前,擋住了他的去路。

But the king said , “ hold your peace and leave him alone . he is my most faithful johannes . who knows what good may come of this ? 但國王卻說道:讓他去做吧,他是我忠實的約翰,誰知道他這樣做不是為了有好的結果呢?

Faithful johannes answered , “ i will not forsake him , and will serve him faithfully , even if it costs me my life . 聽到這些話,約翰說道:我決不會離他而去,我一定忠實地輔助他,即使獻出我的生命也在所不惜。

For the last 550 years , it has been believed the johannes gutenberg was the inventor of movable type 一直以來,我們都相信約翰古騰堡是活版印刷的發明人,而古騰堡圣經的出版代表了人類首次采用活字印刷技術。

The invention of the printing press by johannes gutenberg in 1436 greatly simplified the manufacturing - and piracy - of books 1436年johannes gutenberg發明的活字印刷術大大簡化了書本的印刷和盜版。

But the young king said , “ who knows what good he may have done ? leave him alone . he is my most faithful johannes . 但國王還是說道:誰知道他這么做是為了甚么呢?讓他做吧!他是我忠實的仆人約翰。

Faithful johannes picked him up , carried him to his bed , and sorrowfully thought , “ misfortune has befallen us , dear lord 忠實的約翰趕緊將他扶起,把他抱到他自己的床上,心里一個勁地想:唉? ? !

Professor johannes chan , dean of the faculty of law at hku , said he was happy to see dr xue receive the award 港大法律學院院長陳文敏教授對薜博士的獲獎表示十分高興。