
jog 短語和例子jog1vt.(-gg-)1.輕推,輕撞;輕搖...

jog trot

The wagon jogged along ( a rough track ) 馬車(沿凹凸不平的小路)顛簸前行

The coach had the players jogging around the playground 教練讓運動員繞著操場慢步跑。

Jog : the carriage jogged along the rough road 馬車沿著崎嶇不平的道路顛簸著緩緩行進。

Wow ! ! that sounds great , how often do you go jogging 太厲害了。你都什么時候去跑步啊?

Do you find skiing or jogging more to your taste 你覺得是滑雪還是慢跑更合你的口味?

I showed him a picture to jog his memory 我給他看一張照片以觸動他的記憶。

The wagon jogged along on the rough road 馬車沿著崎嶇不平的道路顛簸前行。

I saw mr . g when i was jogging this morning 早晨在我正做小跑運動的時候碰見了g先生。

For years the business just kept jogging along 多年來生意僅僅是平平而已。

Can you go jogging with me tomorrow morning 明天早上你能和我一起去慢跑嗎

The old horse jogged me up and down on his back 這匹老馬把我上上下下顛簸。

- let me jog your memory a little . - jesus ! fuck -讓我提醒你一下-耶穌!媽的

Let me jog your memory a little . - jesus ! fuck 讓我提醒你一下-耶穌!媽的

I ' m gonna jog with you everyday from now on 從現再開始我每天要和你一起慢跑

If you persist in jogging , you ' ll shed some weight 你堅持慢跑就會減輕體重。

Imagine if you ' re jogging with some of this stuff 想想看你在跑步時吃這玩意兒

My father goes jogging at seven o ' clock every morning 我爸爸每天早晨七點去慢跑。

You may jog john ' s elbow to get his attention 你可以輕推約翰的肘以喚起他的注意。

I eat a good breakfast and i go jogging every night 我早餐吃得很好,每晚都慢跑。