
joey n.1.〔澳大利亞〕小袋鼠;小動物。2.〔英俚〕三便士硬...


Joey , i ' m in your bedroom ; my bra is off 喬伊,我現在在你的睡方連奶罩都脫了

Hey , it ' s , uh , joey tribbiani calling for lauren 嗨,我是,呃喬伊?崔比昂尼找勞倫

“ joey tribbiani , star of days of our lives . 喬伊?崔比昂尼- - “我們的日子”里的明星

Joey : no , no … how come you are working here 不,不…你怎么會在這里工作的?

Attacking me and joey for living a little 通過抨擊我跟喬伊來尋找那么一點生活樂趣

Joey : yeah , sorry , the swallowing slowed me down 是啊,對不起,咽的太慢了。

And have joey in the back like a dog . . .讓喬伊像小狗一樣坐在后面出去遛彎?

Uh , seth will remember that joey was here , right 呃,賽斯會記得喬伊在這里,對吧?

I was in joey ' s bedroom and i threw myself at him 我在他的臥室我主動向他獻身

Joey : you ' re right , i ' m sorry . you ' re right 你說的沒錯,對不起,你說的沒錯。

Joey , she just gave you the perfect out 喬伊,她剛剛給了你一個絕佳的脫身之計

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To a young married couple like you and joey 年輕的新婚夫婦,像你和喬伊這樣的

Uh , hi , this is joey tribbiani . is bobbie there 我是喬伊?崔比昂尼巴比在嗎?

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I ' m not joey , i ' m chuck . i ' m his stuntman 我不是喬伊,我是恰克,我是他的替身

Look , joey , you want to act like this isn ' t a problem , 好了喬伊,雖然嘴上說著沒事

I didn ' t write it . now , i mean it , give it back . joey . . 不是我寫的,還給我,喬伊

Joey , did you set alex up with a lesbian 喬伊,你讓亞歷克斯和一個同性戀在一起?