
joel n.1.約珥〔男子名〕。2.約珥〔古代希伯來預言者〕。3...


Joel so i walked over to antic attic , you know , to get her something 所以我到怪異閣買禮物送她

Sorry , sorry . what did joel do , weld this thing on - 抱歉,喬爾怎么弄得這個他是焊在上面的阿?

Joel : they say it ' s going to be a beautiful , sunny day 喬爾:他們說明天天氣會很好,是個晴天!

Joel : cool ! but what about dinner tonight 喬:好棒!今天晚餐呢?

The word of the lord which came to joel , the son of pethuel 耶和華的話臨到毗土珥的兒子約珥。

Voice fading , echoing maybe i should end this right here , joel 也許我們該在這里分手了,約爾!

Joel wanted to pay william off for backbiting him 喬爾因威廉在背后說他壞話而要對他進行報復。

I ' m part ofiy , ourimagination too , joel 我也是你想象的一部分,約耳

Joel , honey , i have a surprise - i just - oh , um - 約耳,我有一個驚喜

The word of the lord that came to joel the son of pethuel 1耶和華的話臨到毗土珥的兒子約珥。

You are screwing with me . - joel , i ' m not 你在耍我! -約耳,我沒有

Baby joel , it ' s okay . joel . joely . joel 約耳寶貝,沒事的約耳,約耳

Joel : ok , there ' s an ice - cream stall just over by the steps 喬:好啊,那兒就有個冰淇淋攤。

[ joel ' s voice ] i thought may , bey , ou were a nut , 我想你也許是個瘋子

Joel : any plans for tomorrow sharon 喬爾:明天有什么計劃嗎?莎朗。

Joel ' s voice mierzwiak , please let me keep this memory 米茲維克醫生,求你讓我保留這段回憶

Joel , you should come up to the charles with me sometime 約耳,你哪天應陪我去查爾斯河看看

- you are screwing with me . - joel , i ' m not -你在耍我! -約耳,我沒有

Joel , honey , i have a surprise - - i just - - oh , um - - 約耳,我有一個驚喜