
joe n.1.喬〔男子名,Joseph 的昵稱〕。2.〔美口〕...

joe blow

Babbitt had recovered form his touchy wrath before joe returned . 喬回來之前,巴比特莫名其妙的怒氣已經平息。

Joe sat, poking up the sand with a stick and looking very gloomy . 喬坐著拿樹枝撥動沙子,看上去郁郁不樂。

Joe gets clinching evidence of the brains role when he dreams . 喬做夢時得到了大腦發生作用的決定性依據。

Only thus did joe recognize the friendship babbitt was offering him . 喬這才認可了巴比特向他表示的友好。

Joe turned away; the back of his neck was literally crimson . 喬轉身走開了,他的脖頸子是十足紫紅色的。

Joe notes that on cold days i give frequent signals of distress . 喬注意到我在冷天經常發出求救信號。

Joe was the first to wake in the gray dawn of christmas morning . 喬在圣誕節灰朦朦的拂曉第一個醒來。

“a nice walk for passengers on foot,“ said joe . “對于步行的人來說,這種遠足可真夠味兒,”喬說。

The farm was owned by two brothers joe and bert cox . 農場的主人是喬考克斯和伯特考克斯兩兄弟。

Joe was in a cross temper. this was so much her normal state . 喬正在氣頭上。喬生氣本是家常便飯。

Give her my love, joe . 替我問他好,裘。

When i was old enough, i was to be apprenticed to joe . 等我達到了一定的年齡,就可以跟喬做學徒。

Warming the air that joe breathes is also quite a task . 給喬呼吸的空氣加溫,的確也是一項任務。

Joe left the house without a stain on his character . 喬離開了這個家,他的品德上沒有一絲污點。

When joe wished to get up he found he could not . 喬想爬起來,可是就不成,他已經力不從心了。

Laura seemed to find joe amusing and interesting . 勞拉好象覺得喬既逗人喜愛又令人感到興趣。

Joe let himself glide to earth . 喬溜到地上。

Joe considers himself a quite competent corn surgeon . 喬自以為是個相當資深的雞眼外科醫生。

Injun joe gave a barely perceptible start . 印江喬埃微微驚動了一下,別人幾乎看不出來。