
jodhpur n.喬德普爾〔印度賈拉斯坦邦的城市〕。


The supreme master ching hai enews jodhpur , april 29 , 2003 city mayor mr . rajath kumar mishra granted permission for a relief activity sponsored by the supreme master ching hai international association to be conducted in the jodhpur area , and soon trucks began carrying food supplies to impoverished and distressed families victimized by the recent drought 由清海無上師世界會所發起的旱災救援活動,已獲得市長瑞加斯庫瑪米希拉sh . rajath kumar mishra的批準,負責運送物資的卡車隊伍已抵達該市并開始將賑災物資發送給貧困及受難的家庭。

Over the past few years , northwestern india has suffered from an ongoing drought , but the situation deteriorated this year as crops failed and people suffered from severe water and food shortages . on learning of the situation , supreme master ching hai directed fellow practitioners to carry out relief work in the villages near the four major cities of jodhpur , jaisalmer , pali and barmer in the state of rajasthan 清海無上師得知這個消息后,即指示同修深入羅吉斯坦地區rajasthan state的久德浦爾jodhpur捷斯敏爾jaisalmer巴摩爾barmer巴里pali等四大城外的鄉間聚落進行救援工作。

The operation covered a vast area , and the relief team worked round the clock in temperatures as high as 54 c 129o f . the volunteers went to many towns and villages , including pali , jaisalmer , jodhpur and barmer where is severely affected by desertification 發放區域涵蓋甚廣,賑災人員在攝氏五十四度高溫的環境下,日以繼夜地工作,足跡遍及久德浦jodhpur帕里pali沙默jaisalmer和沙漠化特別嚴重的巴莫barmer等四省。

The mayor of jodhpur , mr . rajath kumar mishra , observed that it was the first time in many years that the region had received help and concern from a non - profit international organization 久德浦爾市長米希拉先生sh . rajath kumar mishra表示,這是該地區多年來第一次得到國際性非營利團體的關懷與援助。

When the practitioners arrived in delhi , several young drivers from the area drove them to jodhpur . on the way , one happily exchanged spiritual views with the initiates 當同修抵達德里delhi時,有幾位年輕的司機載運同修前往久德浦爾,一路上有位司機先生不斷地和同修交換靈修心得。

The most important growing area centres on jodhpur in rajasthan , india . currently india is the source of about 80 % of the world production of guar gum 最主要的生長區域為印度拉賈斯坦邦的焦特布爾。目前,印度的產量占世界瓜爾膠產量的80左右。

For one thing , many experiences demand a substantial outlay on commodities : horses , hounds and jodhpurs , for example 另一方面,許多的經歷需要在商品上花費大量金錢,比如:馬、獵狗、馬褲。