
jocular adj.1.詼諧的,滑稽的,好開玩笑的。2.打趣的,尋樂...


In “ watch bar , ” you are already intoxicated , drunk in books ; in ancient punctuations ; in music ; in the roar of the orchestra ; in celebratory folk songs ; in the jocular lines of a play ; in the eye ' s pupil , in the sound of leisure sipping ; in the ancient times ; in the glorious memories of a photo ; in the recording ; in the familiar yet elegant gatherings 沉醉在書中,在古老的符號中,在音樂中,在樂隊的轟鳴中,在民俗的歡歌里,在戲劇的詼諧中,在明眸中,在淺斟低唱中,在古老的時光復制中,在輝煌的相片記憶中,在紀錄中,在俗與雅的交會中。

Watching him on cell phone conversations , how he will pretend that it is one type of conversation with a big smile , while his eyes remain completely focused and serious , meanwhile the tone of his voice being jocular 留意一下他講手機的時候(與韓琛) ,他是如何用笑容來偽裝談話性質的,他的目光全神貫注,與此同時他的口氣卻很輕松。

“ why , yes , yes , dinner , you know - just pot luck with us , with your old superintendent , you rascal , “ he uttered nervously , poking martin in an attempt at jocular fellowship 啊,是的是的,吃飯,你知道跟我們吃一頓便飯,跟你的老學監,你這個小鬼, ”他有點緊張地說。裝作開玩笑挺友好的樣子。

“ but you ' re very beautiful yourself , “ he added with a politeness by no means crudely jocular “但是你自己也非常美啊, ”他的口氣文雅有禮,毫不包含粗魯調笑的意味。

His brilliant speech , jocular talk and profound knowledge won our enthusiastic applause 他精彩的演講,詼諧的語言,淵博的知識,贏得了同學們陣陣熱烈的掌聲。

William ' s jocular personality makes him a very popular person 威廉風趣的個性使他成為廣被喜歡和擁戴的人。

Halsey gave victor henry a jocular prod with two fingers 海爾賽打趣地用兩個手指戳了維克多?亨利一下。

William ' s jocular personality makes him a very popular person 威廉風趣的個性使他成為廣受歡迎的人。

Glanders, the atrocious captain of dragoons, when informed of the occurrence by mrs. glanders, whistled and made jocular allusions to it at dinner time . 格蘭德太太把這件事告訴了格蘭德上尉,這個沒羞沒臊的龍騎兵軍官卻吹著口哨,在吃飯時拿它當談笑的資料。

This, and my being esteemed a jocular verbal satirist, supported my consequence in the society . 這一點,加上我被看成是一個妙趣橫生,善于詞令的諷刺家,使我在這兒成了舉足輕重的人。

“omoo“ reinforced the public's view of melville as a writer of jocular and lively reminiscence . 《歐穆》進一步使讀者認識到梅爾維爾是個長于描寫愉快而生動的回憶的作家。

Omoo reinforced the public's view of melville as a writer of jocular and lively reminiscence . 《歐穆》進一步使讀者認識到梅爾維爾是個長于描寫愉快而生動的回憶的作者。

“but you're very beautiful yourself,“ he added with a politeness by no means crudely jocular . “但是你自己也非常美啊,”他的口氣文雅有禮,毫不包含粗魯調笑的意味。

He paused for another puff from his cigarette and slipped into a more jocular tone again . 他又停下來吸了一口煙,重新改用較輕松的口吻。

She was incapable of elaborate artifice, and she restored to no jocular device . 她不善耍弄詭計,也不會用油滑的方式。

Halsey gave victor henry a jocular prod with two fingers . 海爾賽打趣地用兩個手指戳了維克多亨利一下。

They passed jocular rumors . 他們談論著一些詼諧的流言。