
jockstrap n.1.下體護身〔男運動員的彈性織物〕。2.〔俚語〕運動...


Ii . gum shields must fit properly . groin protectors using a removable plastic cup slipped into a jockstrap are not permitted and persons wearing them will be held at fault 護齒牙套須配戴適當。使用活動式塑料杯之下襠護具是不被允許的,發現違規使用者將受處罰。

David : football practice and you ' ll need this . ( throws jockstrap to her ) hurry up 戴維:足球訓練,你還需要這個(把護具拋給她) ,快點吧!

Because if a midget and a drunk can beat us , i ' d eat my own jockstrap 如果一個侏儒喝一個酒鬼可以打敗我們,我會吃點我的下體彈力護身

I ' ll play . but if we win , you got to eat that guy ' s jockstrap 我會打的。但是如果我們贏了,你必須吃了那個人的下體彈力護身

Or sniffing jockstraps 或者使勁兒聞聞褲擋

Bronzed all his old jockstraps .連他的下部護具

He ' s giving you a wet willie and making you chew on his jockstrap . . 他把自己那玩藝掏出來讓你去舔他的內褲

He ' s giving you a wet willie and making you chew on his jockstrap 他把自己那玩藝掏出來讓你去舔他的內褲

I call that the top - of - the - key - eat - the - jockstrap shot 我把它叫做最高的關鍵吃下體彈力護身之射籃

I hope you all like your jockstraps extra sweaty 我希望你們會喜歡自己的特別甜的下體彈力護身

Was l even talking to you , jockstrap boy 臭小子,我剛才和你說話了嗎

Joey : uhhhh . . . . he ' s not even wearing a jockstrap 嗯. . .他連護襠都沒有穿!