
jobbery n.假公濟私;徇私舞弊。


When radicating investment main body , we must insist on the principal of open , justice and equity , must n ' t carry on regional protection and industrial monopolism to the investment main body that takes part in bidding , also , we must fight against the black - box operation , cast pearls before swine firmly and punish jobbery sternly 在確定投資主體時必須堅持公開、公平、公正的原則,對參與投標的投資主體,不能搞地區保護或行業壟斷,堅決反對暗箱操作、明招暗定,嚴肅查處徇私舞弊行為。

The official in our small town ask for more than ten thousands of rmb when i apply for the birth permission . isn ' t it jobbery 我們鎮上的公務員以辦理第一胎準生證為名向我們索要數萬元的費用。這難道不是利用職權勒索敲詐嗎?

To overdo anything public may lead to jobbery , while appropriate selfishness may promote the growth “公”字過頭可能假公濟私,私心適度也會促進發展。

He was inexperienced in stock jobbery and got his fingers burned in the stock market 他對股票買賣缺乏經驗,在股票市場上吃了虧。