
joann n.瓊〔女子名〕。


What let his opponent down , according to leslie zebrowitz , a psychologist at brandeis university and joann montepare of emerson college , was his “ neotenous [ 7 ] facial anatomy “ or , to put it more simply , his “ babyface “ 布蘭德斯大學心理學家萊斯利?澤布羅維茨和埃默森學院的喬安?蒙特帕里認為,費恩格德的對手之所以落敗,是因為他“稚氣未脫的面部特征” ,或者說的直接一點就是“他長了一副娃娃臉” 。

When geraldine and chia stepped down from their posts as directors three years after kp first opened its doors to the public , four people immediately manifested and volunteered their services as the new directors tiki , joann tan , henry and sio chian 當geraldine及chia在kp服務3年后卸下理事的職務時, tiki , joann tan , henry及siochian四位熱心的成員自動請纓加入,貢獻他們的力量。

Hi joann can i add you as friend 我能當做朋友增加你嗎