
jo n.喬〔Joseph, Josephine 的簡稱〕。


Jos mourinho and andre villas saw that game 穆帥和安德雷.維拉斯觀看了那場比賽。

When laurie arrived , jo told him what had happened 羅力來訪時,喬將這一切告訴他。

Seriously , jos , ifi ' m to marryyour sister - - 更認真點說如果我要和你的妹妹結婚的話…

What have you learned from the jo you have had 你從過去的工作中都學到了什么

Jo looked very confused , but then she laughed 喬疑惑的看著他,然后笑了起來。

Jo and i had a lot of time to prepare for this moment 喬和我為這一時刻準備了很久

And , jo , walter really came through for you , 另外,喬安娜,沃爾特真的為你做了很多

Jo : today we are going to talk about hair styling 今天給我們帶來的新詞是什么呢?

Jo stood alone with her back carefully against a wall 喬小心翼翼的靠著墻壁站著。

1989 camilo jos cela spain 1990 octavio paz mexico 1990年奧克塔維奧帕斯墨西哥

Jonah : ( jo for short ) hello , this is jonah 喬那: (簡稱喬)您好,我叫喬那。

I know , i know jo kwang - ki go and tell your boss 知道了趙光基,回去告訴你老板

Mrs . march told jo that she was worried about beth 馬太太告訴喬她對貝絲的擔憂。

Sister maria jos and i got along fine 瑪麗亞?約瑟夫修女和我相處得非常融洽。

Inside she found a poem from jo about her 她在里面發現了一首喬的詩,寫的是她。

Seriously , jos , ifi ' m to marryyour sister - 更認真點說如果我要和你的妹妹結婚的話

Jo immediately falls for leon and they quickly become be . . 英臺與山伯在校朝? .

“he did do wrong, but we forgave him, and all promised not to say a word to anyone,“ began jo reluctantly . “他的確干了壞事,可是我們已經原諒他了,大家約定不對任何人說一個字。”裘不得已地說道。

“i can't thrash aunt march, so i suppose i shall have to bear it.“ and jo resigned herself with a sigh . “我不可能揍瑪基姑媽,那么看來我只好忍受下去了。”裘嘆了口氣,只好作罷。