
jl JL =Journal; July.


Dna fingerprints of 13 colonies of 5 strains , including 5 balb / c , 2 balb / c - nu / nu > 4 c51 1 cba / n and 2 dba / 2 from 7 factories of laboratory animal in the beijing and xi ' an areas , were studied with jl - 2 mulilocus probe and southern hybridization and the author compared the dna fingerprint with the biochemical marker enzyme method . it indicated that the fingerprint had 17 - 22 distinguishable fragments and these fragments had high polymorphisms . the fingerprints of balb / c and balb / c - nu / nu , which were abnormal at the hbb site with the biochemical marker enzyme method , was different from their normal groups 實驗采用jl - 02多位點探針對北京和西安地區較大的7家實驗動物生產供應單位的5個balb c群, 2個balb c - nu nu群, 4個c _ ( 57 )群, 1個cba n群和1個dba 2群近交系小鼠進行了dna指文圖分析,并與常規生化標記分析法進行了比較,結果顯示:所產生的dna指紋圖的圖帶數均在17 - 22條,具有良好的多態性。

By adopting the viewpoint of jialing tool & mould alone manufacturing island ( ami ) in the thesis , it first analyzes the actuality of tool mould system in jialing group equipment and project company , and the development of domestic and overseas manufacturing advanced technology innovating . secondly , it consider establishing jialing - alone manufacturing island of tool & mould ( jl - amitm ) as a hardcore , with applying virtual cad / cam / cae system , rapid prototyping manufacturing ( rpm ) and capp ( computer aid process planning ) system on pdm ( product data management ) basis , to found the quality control system of a spot products , and to form a new manufacturing mode with variety and small quantity 本文應用獨立制造島技術觀點,首先分析了嘉陵集團設備工程公司的工模具系統的現狀和國內外先進制造技術的發展方向,接著考慮以建立以嘉陵工模具獨立制造島為核心,采用虛擬cad / cam / cae系統,應用快速原型制造技術,實施基于pdm的并行集成化capp系統,建立工模具制造質量控制系統,從而形成一種多品種、小批量的新型生產模式。

The method for measuring the plane strain fracture toughness klc has been introduce to high polymer bonded explosives ( pbx ) by systematically studying technologies concerning the shape of specimen , the depth and its machining of crack , the loading rate , the measurement of critical fracture load , and the computation of klc , etc . the method has been used to test and study klc of three typical high polymer bonded explosives which are j2 , jl , j3 respectively both at normal temperature and unmoral temperature 本文以高聚物粘結炸藥為研究對象,對測試高聚物粘結炸藥的平面應變斷裂韌度所涉及的樣品形狀、裂紋深度及裂紋制備、加載速度、臨界斷裂載荷p _ q的確定及平面應變斷裂韌度k _ ( ic )的計算等方面進行深入研究,建立了較為完善的炸藥平面應變斷裂韌度測試方法。

Firstly , the eo genes of csfv - jl and csfv - ln9912 strains were amplified by rt - pcr and nested pcr and then sequenced after cloned into t easy vector . comparing the eo sequences with other strains eo by biosoftwares , dnastar5 . 0 and bioedit , the phylogenetic analyse revealed that all of the strains we have sequenced could be divided into groupl and groupii . two amino acid streches of 15 csfv strains eo , which form the rnase active site , and histidine residues essential for rnase catalysis in both ones were highly conserved . the eo protein propertys of antigen epitope , hydrophobicity , isoelectric point were also predicted by bioinformatic method 首先,采用rt - pcr和nest - pcr技術擴增了csfv - jl株和csfv - ln9912株eo基因,插入teasy載體后測序,應用dnastar5 . 0和bioedit軟件將其與本實驗室已測其它毒株和genebank中登錄的csfv代表毒株eo基因序列進行比較,繪制了遺傳進化樹并預測了eo蛋白的抗原表位、疏水性、等電點等特性。

Fingerprints of 5 strains of the inbred mice and 2 strains of the inbred rats was conducted using a nonisotopically hrp labeled jl - 02 by the second institute of the public safety bureau of china and southern blot hybridization , the author studied many fingerprints of the same dna , the different organic fingerprints of the same organism and fingerprints of parent and offspring . the patterns were completely different among the different strains and those of the samples from the same strain were completely identical 采用公安部二所自行研制的jl - 02多位點探針對5個品系的近交系小鼠和2個品系近交系大鼠進行了dna指紋分析,經過對同一dna的反復制作dna指紋圖和同一個體不同組織進行的dna指紋圖制作及對親代和子代(同品系內和不同品系間雜交)間的dna指紋圖比較。

This paper presents the developing rules and methods of chongqing jl - capp system according to the computer aided process planning ( capp ) basic theory . it also discusses the design methods of the software system in detail and builds the capp system technology database using access software . through analyzing the technology of the information description and input methods , it uses the characteristic assembling computer design and parts description and input methods 本文根據計算機輔助工藝設計( capp )系統設計的基本原理和方法,提出了重慶晉林jl - capp系統開發的基本原則和思路;較深入的討論了該系統的設計方法,建立了以access為平臺的capp系統工藝數據庫;通過對零件信息的描述與輸入技術的分析,采用了基于特征拼裝的計算機繪圖與零件信息的描述與輸入方法。

Recovery estimated from the safh4 plant line indicates that 9 ( jl g of pure active scfv can be obtained per gram of fresh leaf material , on a laboratory scale . the production of the scfv antibody proteins in plant root exudates was also addressed . the scfv antibody protein was continuously secreted from the transgenic tobacco roots into a simple hydroponic medium at 630 to 760 ng g - 1 dry weight of root day - 1 在水培條件下,轉基因煙草根可連續分泌具有活性的重組抗乙肝病毒表面抗原pres1 ( 20 - 47 )單鏈抗體進入到液體培養液中,不須破壞植物即可連續獲得重組單鏈抗體,為利用植物生物反應器連續生產單鏈抗體開辟了新途徑。

Multi - locus dna fingerprint technique was used to check the chimerism of chimeric mouse generated by injecting es cells into blastocysts and to detect whether the chimeric mouse is a germ - line chimeras . the results indicated that : the multi - locus dna fingerprint with a new synthesized probe - jl - 02 , has enough polymerism and good stability , and should be very useful to monitor the chimerism in different tissues of es cell chimeric mouse and to check whether an es cell line has the capacity to enter the germ line , especially when involving strains that can not be discerned with coat color or biochemical markers 嘗試應用多位點dna指紋技術,檢測經過胚胎干細胞es細胞途徑所獲得的嵌合體小鼠中es細胞在各種臟器中的嵌合情況檢測es細胞在嵌合體小鼠中是否實現種系傳遞。結果表明:采用新型的人工合成的寡核苷酸多聚體探針jl - 02探針的多位點dna指紋圖譜,具有足夠的多態性和很好的穩定性。

The reality of jl - amitm will redound to find a new applying developing breakthrough in tool mould manufacturing trade , and expedite the exploitation development and quality improvement of new products , and achieve jialing competition policy of from large to strong 用先進制造技術改造嘉陵工模具系統的實現,有助于工模具制造業找到一個新的應用發展突破點,達到加快嘉陵集團新品開發進度,提高新品開發質量的目的,實現嘉陵“由大變強”的競爭策略。

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Jl electronic co . , ltd . is an enterprise engaged in the production of automation control components such as photoelectric switch and mark sensor . the products passed the provincial certification in 1988 健埃爾電子有限公司是專業生產光電開關,標志傳感器等自動化控制元件的科技型企業,公司產品于1988年通過省級鑒定。

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Provisions were also directly delivered to the simpang tiga disaster relief center and the sigli disaster relief center at jl . sultan iskandar muda no 10 特別是司吉利市,該組織也直接贈送了賑災物品到simpang tiga賑災中心及坐落在蘇丹依斯干達兒目達街門牌10號的司吉利市鄉公所之賑災中心。

Being faced with such condition , the technology council of country set up “ die - casting machine of jl 1280 type system “ as key problem of “ eight - five “ project 相對國外的高科技,國內壓鑄工藝技術還很落后,針對這一狀況,國家計委設立“ j11280型壓鑄機系統”為“八五”科技攻關項目。

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Jl mcgregor & company , currently employing about 30 people in four offices , provides a suite of investment services to u . s . and european investment funds 麥健陸顧問有限公司目前在四個分支機構中有雇員30名,為美國和歐洲的投資基金提供一系列的服務。