
jive n.1.(節奏快速、活潑的)爵士音樂。2.爵士音樂中的專...

jive ass

To encapsulate all of the methods i d need to work with jive , i created a jive helper class 為了將所用到的所有jive方法進行封裝,我創建了jive help類。

Uses all of the major jive objects to print the name of each thread in a given forum 列出的jsp文件利用了jive主要對象來顯示一個給定論壇中線程的名稱。

Jango : ( contraction : jive and tango ) a dance style mixing elements from modern jive and tango 一種舞蹈風格,混合了搖擺舞和探戈的元素。

Jive - ass . what 肥屁股-說什么?

Listing 2 shows a helper method for creating a jive authorization object 清單2顯示了創建一個jive授權對象helper類的方法。

There ' s a little truth in all jive , and a little jive in all truth 所有的欺詐中都蘊涵點真理,所有得真理中都存在點欺詐。

How does jive work Jive是如何工作的?

Man that jive turkey fed me so much bull , i nearly laughed in his face 那個人胡說八道,廢話連篇,我差點兒當面嘲笑他。

The next step is to create a helper method for creating a jive user see 下一步是位一個jive用戶創建一個helper類方法(參見

A user is allowed to interact with jive only when both are present 只有兩個用戶同時存在的情況下,該用戶才能訪問論壇。

We needed to merge the jive user authentication with our own 我們需要將jive用戶授權方案和我們的用戶授權方案融合。

Installing jive was as simple as creating the jive tables in our database , copying 安裝jive和創建jive表一樣簡單。

Integrating jive with your site 將jive與您的網站相結合

The developers are amazingly friendly , helpful , and prolific Jive的開發者是如此的友好、有益、高效。

Manipulating jive users requires a jive authorization object 操縱jive用戶需要一個jive授權對象。

Jive , lawman and the apple jeans also have much appeal 而杰夫、勞曼和蘋果牌都有相當的知名度。

Miles said , “ get out of my face , you jive motherfucker 邁爾斯說, “你給我滾遠點,你這個傻瓜

Don ' t jive me , milt . don ' t jive me , man 別騙我,米爾特,別騙我,老兄!

Ifhe talk a little jive , he ' s going down in five 要是他跳來跳去我就讓他在五回合內倒下