
jitterbug n.1.神經緊張不安的人。2.吉特巴舞〔隨爵士音樂節拍跳...


The jitterbug or th lindy this energetic dance started in new york and caught on across the country in thee 40s . the jazzy steps and moves of the swing are what makes it so popular 這種活力四射的舞步起源于紐約,直到40年代才席卷全美,它奔放的舞步與搖擺的動作,到今天仍廣受歡迎。

Swing is the hottest dance craze in america today sometimes called . the jitterbug or th lindy this energetic dance started in new york and caught on a . . 這種活力四射的舞步起源于紐約,直到40年代才席卷全美,它奔放的舞步與搖擺的動作,到今天仍廣受歡

I still think of you when we dance , although we cant jitterbug as we did back then 我不會忘卻當我們翩翩起舞,我仍會想念你,即使我們再不能像往日一樣,跳起歡快的吉特巴。

Not some mercurial little jitterbug who ' ll have you hold up filling stations 而不是一個把你當作臨時加油站的朝三暮四的小女人

You can dance 7 - jitterbug 標準交際舞7 -吉魯巴

Delay compensation of networked control system using jitterbug 的時延優化方法研究

Assembled in a large circle, dancers did a basic shuffling step or other jitterbug step like the lindy hop . 舞蹈者圍成大圈,跳基本的小曳步或其他吉特巴舞步,如林蒂跳步等。