
jit JIT =just-in-time 【商業】及時盤存調節...


This counter is updated at the end of every jit compilation phase 在每一jit編譯階段的結尾更新此計數器。

To enable jit activation , apply the 要啟用jit激活,請將

Jit assertion failure when non - existent com port is addressed 指定不存在的com連接埠時, jit判斷提示失敗

Jit debugging is usually a complex and time - consuming procedure Jit調試通常是一個復雜而且耗時的過程。

Jit is the most important jvm component in terms of performance 就性能而言, jit是最重要的jvm組件。

You can request the jit - compiler to generate tracking information 可以請求jit編譯器生成跟蹤信息。

Monitor and direct material planner on jit material pulling 監控和指導物料計劃員實施jit物料拉動。

Jit manufacture staff in manufacturing 在制造業工作的所有員工

Instead , we must rely on dynamic compilation by the jit 相反地,我們必須依靠jit進行的動態編譯。

First , write a good optimizing jit 首先,編寫一個好的優化jit 。

Study on the production planning and controlling methods based on jit 的生產計劃與控制方法研究

The ibm jvms jit compiler does not support this processor Ibm jvm的jit編譯器不支持此處理器。

Disables jit optimization and uses implicit sequence points 禁用jit優化,并使用隱式序列點。

Enables jit optimization and uses implicit sequence points 啟用jit優化,并使用隱式序列點。

According product plan , release jit po to suppliers 根據生產作業計劃,下達供應商jit計劃。

This jit configuration has two aspects 該jit配置具有以下兩方面特點:

Suppress jit optimization on module load managed only 在模塊加載時取消jit優化(僅限托管)

Comparison studies of mrp and jit production system 生產方式的比較研究

This counter does not include pre - jit - compiled methods 此計數器不包括預jit編譯的方法。