
jis JIS =Japanese Industrial Sta...


Dad fetch it , i jis wisht i could git my han s on one er dem witches jis wunst - on y jis wunst - it s all i d ast 該死的東西,我要是有一回能抓住這些妖魔中的一個那才好呢哪怕只抓住一回那就好啦。

Magnetic properties and lamination factor of si - orient - core si - orient - core - hi b electrical steel strip jis and aisi standard 定取向芯鋼片及高硼定取向芯鋼片之磁力性能及夾層系數日工標準及美材標準

Types of cold headed - use steel wire handled many kinds of products using jis , aisi , sae , din , all automotive standard materials , etc 冷鍛造鋼絲的使用鋼種, , , ,各類汽車規格材料等多種

A complete set of jis b8330 ventilator testing facilities , 9 ceiling cranes , machine tools , welding facilities , etc 全套jis b8330送風機試驗設備,頂棚起重機9架,工作機械,焊接設備s

1 sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - part 0 : introduction to the jis z 9015 attribute sampling system erratum 1 檢驗計數抽樣規程.第0部分: jis z9015計數抽樣系統的介紹

Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - part 0 : introduction to the jis z 9015 attribute sampling system 計數檢查用抽樣程序.第0部分: jis z 9015計數抽樣系統的介紹

Obtained iso9001 certification , jis certified factory japan water works association jwwa inspection factory Iso9001 ,日本工業規格許可工廠jis工廠,日本下水道協會審查工廠

You s back agin , live en soun , jis de same ole huck - de same ole huck , thanks to goodness ! 是啊,你可沒有死,你回來了,活蹦活跳的。還是哈克那個老樣子,謝天謝地! ”

In both utf8 and euc - jp and shift - jis formats . also fixed blank blog titles and blank comments appearing from japanese 2 .海盜大會像八國峰會,六人談判像六方會談-昨天一

On [ 0 , w ) the square z / j of operator l { is selfadjoint if and only ifz - jis selfadjoint and bh4b * = 0 關于常微分算子理論的簡要概述; 2對稱算子的基本知識; 3

The following is the encoding declaration for a document that uses the japanese encoding method shift - jis 以下是使用日語編碼方法shift - jis的文檔的編碼聲明。

Remark : flange of ansi jis jb hg gb standard can be offered based upon customer s request 注:按用戶要求可提供ansi jis jb hg gb等標準的法蘭。

Quality systems - medical devices - particular requirements for the application of jis z 9902 質量體系.醫療設備. jis z 9902應用的特別要求

Japan jis grade 日本jis規格

Jump up and crack yo heels ! dat s de good ole cairo at las , i jis knows it ! 跳起來,立個正,大好的開羅終于到啦,我心里有數的! ”

Type of steel plate related jis astm and other major industrial standards 鋼板用途分類及各國鋼板的工業標準包括日工標準及美材試標準

Jis kaibara factory Jis柏原工廠

1 . flange standard may be chosed as ansi , jis , jb , hg or gb upon customer s request 1法蘭標準可按用戶要求采用ansi jis jb hg gb等

Japan jis certificate 日本jis認證