
jinx n.〔美口〕1.不吉祥的人[物]。2.倒霉,壞運氣。短語...


Jinx : my friends call me jinx 珍斯:我的朋友叫我珍斯。

There seems to be a jinx on our team , because we always lose 我們隊好像有不吉利的東西,因為我們總是輸

If i tell you , it ' ll jinx it 如果現在我告訴你,就不靈了

There seems to be a jinx on our team , because we always lose 我們隊似乎有不吉利的東西,因為我們總是輸

There must be a jinx on this house . everything ' s always in a mess 這房子一定招了鬼了,什么事都一團糟。

Dongyang jinxing knitting co . , ltd 東陽市錦興針織有限公司

There smmes to be a jinx on our team because we always lose 我們隊上似乎有個掃帚星,因為我們總是輸。

There seems to be a jinx on our team , because we always lose 我們隊似乎交上了惡運,因為我們一直都輸。

Telling him he jinxed us . - davis 說他詛咒我們-戴維斯!

- telling him he jinxed us . - davis -說他詛咒我們-戴維斯!

We had the target buttoned up and he was jinxing in the flak 我們鎖定了目標但是他被高射炮火擊中了

I am going to need your baggage claim number again . jinx , stop 我要你的行李領取號碼jinx ,停下來

Well , it wasn ' t intentional . i was chasing jinx up onto the roof 那不是有意的我正在屋頂上追jinx

First dates - i think it ' s a jinx 進行第一次約會我覺得不吉利

I wonder whether you could tell me the way to jinxing cinema 不知你能否告訴我去金星電影院的路。

First dates - - i think it ' s a jinx 進行第一次約會我覺得不吉利

I saw little jinxy come in last night , 我看到jinx昨天晚上進來了,

Jinx : he did you ? i didn ' t know he was that desperate 金克斯:他睡了你?我不知道他那么猴急。

Dengfeng city jinxing refractory anjlfrlction materials co . , ltd . china 登封市金星耐材有限公司