
jins JINS =juvenile(s) in need of...


So when emphasizing the in draught of the western advanced legal culture , the value of chinese classical law can not be neglected also . it is the same with the discussion of testament inheritance . from the historical data we have mastered that the testament inheritance of chinese ancient times germinated in the pre - qin days , formed in qin han , being more completed in the three kingdoms - wei and two jins , flourishing in sui tang , aging in song yuan ming and qing 本文從中國古代遺囑的發展歷史展開卷帙,對立遺囑人與被遺囑人的遺囑能力、遺囑的三種表現形式、遺囑的具體內容、遺囑的訂立程序及其公私二力相結合的履行方式分別展開論述,在分析中國古代遺囑繼承起源、內容、運行機制的基礎上,以中國古人傳統的以家族為本位的生活理念和對人對事的情理觀為著眼點,對中國古代遺囑繼承與現代民法中的遺囑繼承加以比較,總結出中國古代遺囑繼承的四大特點,以為中國古代遺囑繼承的實質與傳統固有的法定繼承并無差別,都是一種被繼承人的身份繼承與人格延續,是家族整體性觀念的體現。

When japanese dealers visited ms . jins company , they were extremely satisfied with the improved management and feel more confident on the quality of the shaulu production . as a result , ms . jin gets an increased order . in addition , contracted farmers also benefit from the increased market , the price of shaulu rise to 0 . 8yuan kg , increased by 0 . 18yuan kg compared to last year ; the total increased value reaches 2 . 925 million yuan from the 6 , 500 mu in the whole municipality 日前,彭州市金綠山珍食品廠的日本客戶到企業視察山露加工情況時,對企業經營管理水平的提高感到非常滿意,同時對山露產品由以前單一的鹽漬出口增加到清水出口也滿懷信心,要求增加訂貨數量,為此彭州市山露目前價格漲到0 . 80元公斤,比去年同期增加0 . 18元公斤,全市種植山露6500畝可增收292 . 5萬元。

Because menstruation is maladjusted , once saw a doctor , take the hormone that took a doctor to leave ( a day , take 5 days repeatedly ) , result the fertilizer inside 3 months more than 20 jins , weight is resided to now do not fall high , before taking drug my height 170cm , weight 108 jins , there are 150 jins unexpectedly now , how should i discharge the oedema inside body of one ' s previous experience and hormone 曾經因為月經失調去看醫生,服吃了醫生開的激素(一天一粒,連服五天) ,結果三個月內肥了二十多斤,體重到現在都居高不下,在服藥前我身高170cm ,體重108斤,現在居然有150斤,我該如何排出身體內的水腫與激素?

From july 2005 to april 2006 , a total of 37815 sets of reprocessed oral cavity instruments were used , 2366 jins of medical waste were reduced , 6884 yuan of waste dispose cost were saved 2005年7月2006年4月共使用再生口腔檢查器械37815套,減少醫療垃圾2366斤,節約垃圾處置等費用6884元。

My daughter 26 months , weight just is controlled 24 jins , i am this problem , specially looks for a doctor to had asked , the doctor gave me the answer above 我的女兒26個月了,體重才24斤左右,我為這個問題,特地找醫生問過,醫生就給了我上面的答復。

My weight before is 108 jins , gave birth to the child to weigh 20 jins now , i everyday very of be anxious . everybody reduces weight to my good method 我原來的體重是108斤,現在生完孩子都重了20斤了,我天天都很犯愁的。大家給我一個好的方法減肥吧。

Half jins of heavy pork liver , cut 34 , burn every week 2 , 3 半斤重的豬肝,切成三四份,每周燒二、三次。