
jinn n.jinni 的復數〔一般把此詞當作單數,并加了一個復...


Maldivians believe an ancient race of sun - worshipping people called the redin were the first settlers ; their heritage involving evil spirits , or jinnis , is still evident today 馬爾代夫人相信,第一批定居者是一個膜拜太陽的古老民族? ? “日鼎族” ;他們遺留下來的傳統至今仍顯而易見,其中就包括邪惡神靈? ? “基尼” 。

No other religions are permitted , though ancient beliefs survive : for example , islanders fear jinnis - evil spirits which come from the sea , land and sky 盡管其它宗教受到了禁止,但古老的信仰卻留存下來:例如,島民都敬畏來自海洋、陸地和天空的邪惡神靈? ? “基尼” 。

Qui - gon jinn might not be there to free them , but there was nothing coincidental about his coming here and meeting anakin 奎剛-金也許不是來解放他們的,但他的到來以及他和安納金的相遇也遠不止巧合那么簡單。

According to legend , a sea jinni called rannamaari demanded regular sacrifices of young girls in mal 據傳說所言,一個名為羅南瑪瑞的海上“基尼”要求定期將年輕女子送到馬累作為獻祭。

For various generations , there were 12 family members climbed up to jinn - shi position in the government 累代官宦成進世者,一十二人;富甲鄉里。

For various generations , there were 12 family members climbed up to jinn - shi position in the government 累代官宦成進世者,一十二人富甲鄉里。

Jinni , no . go away 基尼,不,快走開

To the jinni of the west 沒有向西方的神靈發誓

Jinni has returned to carry me home 基尼回來駝我回家