
jingo n.(pl. jingoes) 侵略主義者,沙文主義者,...


All of a sudden the lightning let go a perfect sluice of white glare , and somebody sings out : “ by the living jingo , here s the bag of gold on his breast ! 突然之間,一道閃電仿佛打開了一道閘門,只見一片白光奔瀉下來,有一個人這時高叫: “老天爺啊,那袋金幣原來正在他的胸膛上啊。 ”

Yes , by jingo , they would get into a nice mess if he and she were to go throwing six francs out of the window every day 好吧!如果每天不管是他還是她,把六個法郎扔到馬路上,那么,他們以后的日子就難過了!

Hucky looked , with joy in his heart . “ well , he has , by jingoes ! did he before ? 哈克心里高興,看了看后說: “不錯,是背對著我們,剛才也是這樣的嗎? ”

“ it s so , tom , it s so . i ll foller him ; i will , by jingoes ! “說得對,湯姆,說得對,我去盯著他,一定去,敲定了。 ”

By jingo , that would be awful 哎呀,那太可怕啦

I am sure you can do it , by jingo 沒錯!我相信你做得來。

By jingo , there is not a well within five miles of the place 哎呀!這地方方圓5英里之內竟然沒有一口井。

I know you can do it , by jingo 我知道你能做到,準不會錯!

By jingo ! this is a fine rose 哎呀!這是一朵美麗的玫瑰花。

It is cold today , isn ' t ? ? by jingo it is 今天很冷是嗎? ?當然是。

“ by jingo ! for two cents i will do it . “得了,你要是肯給我兩個分幣,我就動手。 ”

“ by jingo ! i think so mineself , “ hans affirmed “媽的!我也這么想。 ”哈斯贊同說。