
jingle n.1.(小鈴,錢幣等的)叮當聲;發叮當聲的東西。2.詩...

jingle bell

Director : jingle ma cast 導演:馬楚成

Do not let your bracelets jingle when , lamp in hand , you lead him in 不要讓你的手鐲作響,當你提著燈,帶他進來的時候。

Jingle bells . . . - yeah 叮叮當耶!

Be careful , aggy . - jingling 你得小心點,阿吉

Viking jingle introduction 機器貓叮當游戲攻略

- jingle bells . . . - yeah 叮叮當耶!

Sunwarm silk . jingling harnesses 馬具叮當響。

Keys jingle - ray reddy ' s house 去瑞來迪的房子

Just hear those sleigh bells jingling 只聽到雪橇…

Jingle bells and silent night are popular christmas carols “圣誕鈴聲”和“平安夜”都是廣受歡迎的圣誕頌歌。

The coins jingled in his pocket 他衣袋里的硬幣叮當亂響。

Rattle jingles - you ' re off duty when . 這種時候你要休假?

Yanyu ' s influence on jingling school 試論嚴羽對竟陵派的影響

Jingle - i shall be leaving at noon 很遺憾,我會在中午離開

The coins jingled in his pocket 硬幣在他的口袋里叮當作響。

A carriage went jingling by with some reclining figure in it 一輛馬車叮當駛過,車上斜倚著一個人。

- we ' re doing a dance to this song . . . - “ jingle bell rock . -我們要為一首歌配舞. . . - 《圣誕鈴聲響》

We ' re doing a dance to this song . . . - “ jingle bell rock . 我們要為一首歌配舞. . . - 《圣誕鈴聲響》

Jingled the odd change in his pockets 把他兜里的零錢搖得叮當響