
jin n.=jinni.


A little experience in syndrome differentiation of jin kui yao lue 辨證的幾點體會

A study of the wei jin men ' s ideal aesthetic personality 論魏晉士林的審美人格境界

Look at me , i am jin - seok your only brother 看看我,我是振石,你唯一的弟弟!

The reason of korea tv drama da chang jin ' popularity in china 在中國熱播原因探析

Park jin - hee y es , it ' s over . want to talk to him 對,結束了要和他說話嗎?

Two historical notes on literature of wei and jin dynasties 魏晉文學史料叢考二題

If you hadn ' t stopped me , jin - sung would be alive 如果你沒有阻止我,晉生還活著。

A historical comparison of jin yuelin ' s induction theory 金岳霖歸納理論的歷史比較

Standard twin room jin du hotel , foshan reservation 標準雙人房,佛山金都大酒店預訂

Jin jing tang transportation transportation contact list 津京塘運輸運輸聯系單

Jin - sung , don ' t you remember what i taught you 晉生,你不記得我教了你什么嗎?

On luji ' s theory in jin dynasties and its significance 兩晉陸機論及其意義略探

The poulism and the writing of ba jin in his earlv stage 民粹主義與巴金早期的創作

Migration of the peis in hedong in the jin dynasties 兩晉之際河東裴氏播遷考論

Hao dian - zhong , wu fu - quan , li guo - hua and kong wei - jin 郝殿中吳福全李國華孔偉金

- what ' s this , who the hell are you ? - jin - seok -怎么回事,你到底是誰? -振石!

Professor jin laughed scornfully : “ superstition 靳教授輕蔑地一笑: “迷信! ”

Metaphysics in wei and jin periods and literary criticism 簡論魏晉玄學與文藝批評

On the characteristics of he qin in wei - jin period 魏晉南北朝時期譜學的時代特點