
jimmy n.吉米〔男子名,James 的昵稱〕。

jimson weed

Jimmy ' s hoping those body shots will pay dividends 詹姆希望對他的身體進攻能奏效

Another worker said , ` ` yes , jimmy is in there 另一個工人說, `沒錯,吉米就在那

Jimmy doesn ' t say very much on his card , does he 吉姆沒在他卡片上寫很多,是嗎?

We were both crying when i did it . - jimmy - - 我做這個時候,我們兩個都哭了-吉米- -

- my father lives in that house , jimmy . - i know -我父親住在那里, jimmy -我知道

- jimmy ' s dead . they ' re both dead . - i ' m bored -吉米死了他們兩個都死了-我厭煩了

< i > jimmy was the smartest guy you ' ve ever met . < / i > 吉米曾經是你遇到過最聰明的人

I - i just came by to get some warm stuff for jimmy , 我路過來為吉米買點熱的東西,

It ' s the last round , jimmy . there ain ' t no more 這是最后一圈詹姆斯,沒有別的了

Jimmy , you can ' t work . mae , i can still work 詹姆,你無法工作了玫,我還能工作

Jimmy , you can ' t work . mae , l can still work 詹姆,你無法工作了玫,我還能工作

Look , it ' s him ! it ' s jimmy , look , right there 看,是他!是詹姆斯,瞧,就在那!

Look , it ' s him ! lt ' s jimmy , look , right there 看,是他!是詹姆斯,瞧,就在那!

Lt ' s the last round , jimmy . there ain ' t no more 這是最后一圈詹姆斯,沒有別的了

We were both crying when i did it . - jimmy - -我做這個時候,我們兩個都哭了-吉米-

- come on , jimmy , it ' s over . - l . . . i do -算了,吉米,一切都結束了-我… …我知道

[ t ad ] jimmy , being in your movie is a privilege 吉米,能出演你的電影,真是榮幸

We ' re here for jimmy ' s demo . jimmy wilson 我們是來看杰米的表演的.杰米威爾遜

I ' d throw myself under the wheels of jimmy ' s bus 我是說我真想死在杰米的車輪下