
jimmie n.=Jimmy.


Just this year , alex rodriguez became the youngest player in major league baseball to hit 500 homeruns , breaking the record held by jimmie fox , which was set in 1939 就是今年,亞歷克斯-羅德里格茲成為美國職業棒球隊中擊中500次本壘打的最年輕的球員,打破了吉名福克斯在1939年創造的記錄。

Mandy returned to hk to shoot a blockbuster with jimmie . titman followed the mad scientist dr . donno to ryuichi s hideout where the latter manufactured an intelligence degeneration virus 曼瓊回港邀二邦合作拍何里活a級大片,邦欲借此機會破鏡重圓。

Jimmie bond was a famous comedy actor who specialized in playing the role of superhero like james bond . but he was as timid as a mouse in real life 詹二邦梁家輝飾是扮演鐵金剛英雄的喜劇演員,但真人膽小如鼠,令妻子曼瓊余安安飾憤而與之離婚。

Poor jimmie is having a hard time peddling his bonds . 可憐的吉美推銷債券并不順利。