
jim n.吉姆〔男子名,James 的略稱或昵稱〕。

jim crow

Jim was walking along the street, when a car came out of the blue and hit him . 吉姆在街上行走,冷不防一輛車闖出來,把他撞倒在地。

Jim sutler and his donkey arrived at the wooded indian well about noon . 吉姆夏得樂和他的驢子中午左右來到樹木繁茂的印地安水泉。

I shall remain behind with jim prentice and ross twigg, my best men . 我將同我最得力的人吉姆普倫蒂斯和羅斯特威格一起留下來。

Jim said he reckoned the widow was partly right and pap was partly right . 吉姆說,他認為寡婦有一部分道理,爸爸也有一部分道理。

Black jim politely eased him out of the taxi and into the old pontiac . 黑眉毛吉姆有禮貌地把他拉出出租車,然后塞進了龐蒂亞克。

Jim whispered and said he was feeling powerful sick and told me to come along . 吉姆悄悄兒說他覺得挺不對勁兒,叫我跟著他走。

This morning you admitted you were ashamed of turning jim nicholas away . 今天上午你承認對拒絕接待吉姆尼古拉斯感覺慚愧。

Jim skardon exploded at this apparent intrusion into his empire . 吉姆斯卡登對于這些明顯地侵犯其主管領域的行為暴跳如雷。

When it faltered, jim would strike the side of the cabinet with his hand . 每當它聲音振顫不清時,吉姆總是用手敲打機殼。

Jim had been unemployed over five months and he was really on the rocks now . 吉姆失業五個多月了,他確實已身無分文了。

Jim checked out some books from the library in order to bone up on physics . 吉姆從圖書館借了一些書,以便鉆研物理學。

While the train got filled with water, jim and almira met at the spring . 在火車加水時,吉姆和艾密拉就在泉水邊會面。

Jim walked aimlessly on the street, his coat was out at the elbows . 吉姆漫無目的地在街上游蕩,他的上衣已破爛不堪。

Jim got away with cheating in the test, while sam was scolded . 吉姆在考試時作弊卻逃避了懲罰,而山姆則受到責備。

A spanish suite was being played on the radio when jim came home . 吉姆回來的時候,收音機正在播誦西班牙的組曲。

Jim worked out a plan for burgling a dressmaking establishment nearby . 詹姆擬了一套偷竊附近一家服裝店的計劃。

At that stage in his criminal career , he passed by the name of jim . 在他犯罪生涯中的那一期間,他化名為吉姆。

He was becoming something of a trial anyway, following jim about . 他變得越來越討厭了,老跟在杰姆屁股后邊轉。

Jim came out first, and carefully assisted out his old mother . 吉姆先跳下車,然后小心翼翼地扶他老母親下車。