
jilt n.任意遺棄情人的女子。vt.(女子)任意遺棄(情人)。


As he documents the last six months of hong kong through a series of what he calls “ pompeii tapes “ , he also encounters a young woman who attempted suicide because she was jilted by her english boyfriend . as the political transition becomes a reality on the night of june 30th , 1997 , out characters now face their separate destinies like this vital city which has provided the setting for their personal dramas 在香港回歸中國前夕,他發現自己患上絕癥,人生只飾數月,逐決定跟偶然遇上的城市浪族張曼玉飾,嘗試四出以手提攝影機,去紀錄這個城市歷史性的時刻,以及自己的馀生。

Though she slightly tarnished her sweetness and light reputation with her darkly waggish performance as a jilted girlfriend with revenge on her mind in addicted to love , ryan reaffirmed her standing as a cinematic sweetheart nonpareil by voicing 1997 ' s most comely animated damsel in distress , anastasia 瑞恩在《愛之癮》中扮演因遭人拋棄而一心復仇的情人,雖然惡作劇式的表演對她甜美燦爛的形象稍有損害,但其為1997年最美麗的動畫患難少女《阿納斯塔西婭》的配音,卻再度肯定了她無與倫比的銀幕情人的地位。

If approved by the city assembly , the law would offer engaged couples a legal contract outlining how much a man or woman can recoup if he or she gets jilted at the altar 如果該提案在市民大會上通過,那么按照該法案規定,新人們在訂婚后可簽訂一份具有法律效力的協議,其中規定在婚禮當天不幸被對方拋棄的一方所能獲得的賠償。

Most postings on the site are from jilted lovers but there are also contributions aimed at greek taxi drivers , banks , the public sector and even prime minister costas karamanlis 多數發貼者都是被戀人拋棄的人,也有一些發貼者詛咒出租車司機、銀行、公共服務部門,希臘總理科斯塔斯?卡拉曼利斯也成了網咒的“靶子” 。

Mitchell spins stories about forgotten old poets , jilted lovers and the three wise men , making each one a distinct chapter of one cohesive work 米切爾用她豐富的想象力為我們講述了一個關于被人淡忘的詩人,被拋棄的戀人和三個智者的故事,并融合各異的章節成為一部整體作品。

My aunt martha thought that she was done a terrible injustice when she was jilted as a young woman and she ' s been as bitter as gall ever since 我的阿姨瑪莎認為,因為她當姑娘的時候曾被情人拋棄,所以她遭到了極其不公平的待遇。從那時候她一直很苦惱。

2 he jilted his girlfriend . 3 he gave his girlfriend the brush - off 例如: 5 .讓我們等他一下吧,別把他一個人甩在后面

He is a pleasant fellow , and would jilt you creditably . 他是個有趣的家伙,他會用很體面的辦法把你遺棄。 ”

He ' d have jilted you but for dobbin and left you ifhe ' d lived 如果不是都賓他早就把你甩了要是他還活著

When he lost his money she jilted him 當他破產以后她便拋棄了他。

Marianne loses her heart to scoundrel who jilts her 瑪莉安娜,傾心于一個狠心拋棄她的惡棍。

He jilted her to marry his secretary 他拋棄了她,以便跟他的秘書結婚。

We know this man had jilted three previous fiances 我們知道這男人以前甩了三個未婚妻。

Jilted beauty . a defect is ten times worse in a woman 女人要是落了殘疾,得倒楣十倍。

A : i hear your girl jilted you . that ' s too bad 聽說你的女朋友把你甩了。那太糟了。

I hear your girl jilted you . that ' s too bad 聽說你的女朋友把你甩了。那太糟了。

He is a pleasant fellow, and would jilt you creditably . 他是個有趣的家伙,他會用很體面的辦法把你遺棄。