
jihad n.1.【宗教】穆斯林的護教戰爭,圣戰;宗教討伐。2.維...


A successful hearts - and - minds campaign , on the other hand , would stiffen moderate spines and help take the glory out of jihadism ; eventually , “ the leaderless jihad [ would ] expire , poisoned by its own toxic message 換個角度來說,一場成功的心理戰可以堅定溫和派的立場,有助于使圣戰運動褪去榮耀的光環;最終, “沒有領袖的圣戰將喝下自釀的苦酒,徹底消亡。 ”

Participants at a meeting of israel ' s security cabinet say israel ' s response will focus on the northern west bank and will target members of the militant group islamic jihad , which claimed responsibility for monday ' s attack 參加以色列安全內閣會議的人員說,以色列將集中對付約旦河西岸北部地區,并將目標鎖定宣稱對襲擊負責的激進組織伊斯蘭圣戰組織成員上。

The reuters news agency quoted one islamic jihad leader as denying that his group was behind the bombing , but a spokesman for the organization here in gaza said that it had indeed carried out the attack 路透社引述了一個伊斯蘭圣戰組織領導人的話,這些話否定了他的組織策劃了這場爆炸,但是來自于此組織的一個地處加沙的發言人宣稱此組織的確參與了這次襲擊。

By some as the symbolic leader of a global jihad , or holy war , against the united states , following the september 11 , 2001 attacks on new york and washington that killed more than 3 , 000 people 無論拉登如今是生還是死,自從9 11恐怖襲擊之后,他就被一些人尊為全球圣戰的精神領袖。 2001年9月11日,他對美國的紐約和華盛頓發動的恐怖襲擊造成了3000多人死亡。

“ palestinians have the right to do whatever possible to regain their rights and their land , “ said abdel - sattar qassem , a 53 year - old political science professor with ties to hamas and islamic jihad , radical groups 與哈馬斯及伊斯蘭圣戰組織都有聯系的53歲的政治學教授阿卜杜勒薩塔爾?卡西姆說: “巴勒斯坦人有權采取一切可能的手段奪回自己的權利和土地。

A short while after the explosion , the pan - arabic al - arabiyah television network showed a spokesman for the palestinian militant group , islamic jihad , claiming responsibility . twin bombings in baghdad kill 22 在自殺爆炸發生不久,巴勒斯坦激進組織伊斯蘭圣戰組織的一名發言人在阿拉伯語衛星電視臺al arabiya上表示,該組織對這次自殺襲擊負責。

The tawhid and jihad group sent al - jazeera a video showing the two unidentified bulgarians sitting with their hands cuffed , flanked by three masked men , two carrying rifles and one carrying a rocket propelled grenade launcher 該錄像帶顯示,兩名保加利亞人質雙手被綁,坐在三蒙面綁架者前,其中兩名綁架者手持步槍,另一人手持火箭發射器。

The reuters news agency quoted one islamic jihad leader as denying that his group was behind the bombing , but a spokesman for the organization here in gaza said that it had indeed carried out the attack 路透社引用了伊斯蘭圣戰組織一位領導人的話,該領導人否認其組織在幕后支持,但該組織在加沙的發言人稱它確實參與了。

A terrorist underworld - - including groups like hamas , hezbollah , islamic jihad , jaish - i - mohammed - - operates in remote jungles and deserts , and hides in the centers of large cities 包括哈馬斯、真主黨、伊斯蘭圣戰組織、穆罕默德軍等組織在內的地下恐怖主義網在偏遠的叢林和沙漠地區開展活動,在大城市中心地區藏身。

A terrorist underworld - including groups like hamas , hezbollah , islamic jihad , and jaish - i - mohammed - operates in remote jungles and deserts , and hides in the centers of large cities 恐怖組織,包括哈馬斯、真主黨游擊隊、伊斯蘭圣戰組織和穆哈邁德圣戰組織,還活躍在偏僻的叢林和沙漠地帶以及大城市的中心地區。

A terrorist underworld - including groups like hamas , hezbollah , islamic jihad , and jaish - i - mohammed - operates in remote jungles and deserts , and hides in the centers of large cities 恐怖組織,包括哈馬斯真主黨游擊隊伊斯蘭圣戰組織和穆哈邁德圣戰組織,還活躍在偏僻的叢林和沙漠地帶以及大城市的中心地區。

Marching under the banner of a new “ gender jihad “ , islamic feminists from around the world this weekend launched what they hope will become a global movement to liberate muslim women 舉著新的性別圣戰的大旗,來自全球各地的回教女性主義者在上周末共同發起這個活動,希望能帶動全球性解放回教女性的運動。

There are other ways religion affects medieval 2 as well , such as crusades and jihads , dealing with the pope , and diplomatic effects when you find yourself at odds with the pope 宗教在中世紀2中的影響還有其他方面,比如說十字軍東征與圣戰,對付教皇,以及在與教皇相處困難時候的外交效果。

5 in the jihad this past year , the angels appeared , the miracle show . in the lord ' s celebration , pope pope benedict iv will be named for the hero of the year amen 5在圣戰這一年,天使出現,神跡顯示。在上主的慶典上,教皇本篤四世將之命名為英雄之年阿門。

A palestinian boy drinks water as he watches mem - bers of the islamic jihad during a training exercise at the rafah refugee camp , southern gaza strip august 21 , 2005 巴勒斯坦小男孩喝著水,一邊看著加薩走廊南邊拉法難民營伊斯蘭宗教戰士成員的訓練。

Palestinian boy drinks water as he watches mem - bers of the islamic jihad during a training exercise at the rafah refugee camp , southern gaza strip august 21 , 2005 巴勒斯坦小男孩喝著水,一邊看著加薩走廊南邊拉法難民營伊斯蘭宗教戰士成員的訓練。

This would have provided a rallying call to al - qa ' eda sympathisers to carry on their “ jihad “ - or holy war - against the west 2005年7月7日, 4名恐怖分子分別在3列地鐵列車和1輛公交車上引爆炸彈,導致包括自殺襲擊者在內的共56人死亡、 700多人受傷。

The three plotters are alleged to have trained in pakistani camps run by the islamic jihad union , an originally uzbek - based outfit 據稱三人曾在巴基斯塔訓練營接受過訓練,該訓練營由原烏茲別克“伊斯蘭杰哈德聯盟”所掌控。

A second suspect , 19 - year - old jihad hamad , surrendered to police thursday in the northwestern lebanese coastal city of tripoli 第二名嫌疑人、現年19歲的哈馬德星期四在黎巴嫩北部的港口城市特里波利向警方自首。