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jigsaw puzzle (玩具)益智分合板,拼板玩具。


To keep your brain young and supple , you can purchase software like merzenich ' s , or you can do one of a million new activities that challenge and excite you : playing ping - pong or contract bridge , doing jigsaw puzzles , learning a new language or the tango , taking accordion lessons , building a kit airplane , mastering bonsai technique , discovering the subtleties of beer - brewing and , sure , relearning differential calculus 要保持大腦處于年輕和靈活狀態,你可以購買梅策尼希的這種軟件,或者你可以在一百萬件帶來挑戰和刺激的新活動中做一件:打乒乓球,玩橋牌,拼圖,學一門外語,或者是跳探戈舞,參加手風琴課程,玩具飛機,盆景,發現釀造啤酒中的細節,當然還有重新學習微積分。

Before placing them , she said , we should first wet the soil beneath until it is muddy , then fit the grass patches alongside each other as in a jigsaw puzzle , leaving little space between to encourage smooth growth . leaving too much or too little space would not be good for the grass development , and so we should follow the “ middle way . “ after that , we sprinkled some soil on top , and sprayed it with water to keep it wet 師父教我們,草不必剪成四方小塊,反而要輕柔的將草分開成波浪型,底下的泥土先用水弄成濕濕的泥漿,再把草像拼圖一樣拼在一起,草跟草之間要留些微的距離,這樣長出新草時才不會突起,也不可距離太遠,就是要持中庸之道,然后再灑些泥土在上面,澆一些水讓它潤濕,還要記得天天澆水才行。

This paper has designed and realized a recognition system of the jigsaw puzzle robot which can adapt to changing light and through designing of the hardware and software ; improving image segmentation and template matching technology enhance the correctness of the recognition and realize a robust system 摘要文章改進了圖像分割和模板匹配技術,提高了系統識別的準確性和魯棒性,設計并實現了一種適應光線變化的拼圖機器人識別系統。

Inspired by the renowned artist m . c . escher s signature artworks of tessellated tile patterns , hkyaf has created interlocking jigsaw puzzles in the shape of ocean s 3 green turtle , mudskipper and chinese white dolphin 著名藝術家艾薛爾m . c . escher的對稱性砌圖概念,啟發了香港青年藝術節協會,創作出以海洋十寶中的綠海彈涂魚及中華白海豚為藍本的砌圖。

In this method , the construction of an object by fragments is somewhat similar to the assembly of a jigsaw puzzle , where we try to put together a set of pieces such that their templates form an image similar to a given example 該方法將含有對象區域的子圖作為對象基元,類似于拼圖游戲一樣利用對象基元在圖像中拼接覆蓋出對象區域,進而實現對象分割。

Over ages , hot convection currents in this sea , as well as gravitational forces , move the plates and their superimposed continents and ocean basins , tearing them apart and rearranging them like pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle 隨著歲月流逝,海中熱對流及重力移動板塊及覆蓋在上面的大陸塊和海洋盆地,將它們撕裂再重新組合,如大拼圖游戲的碎片。

The fragments form part of a giant “ jigsaw puzzle “ to be reassembled . missing “ pieces “ can be supplied from quotations by later authors , and grammatical analysis 一位天才作者作品的殘片將象拼七巧板一樣拼合起來,遺失的“部分”可以由后代作者的引文補充,或通過語法分析補充。

Quite right , that kind of jigsaw puzzle that can piece out various interesting figures , now , needn ' t take great energy to cut out again , you can play with it on the computer 沒錯,就是那種能拼出各種有趣圖形的拼板游戲,現在,不用再費神去剪裁,在電腦上你就可以玩到它!

Young co - eds are being cut up by a chainsaw killer on a college campus . the killer is attempting to put together a human jigsaw puzzle made from body parts 年輕的女大學生在校園內被一個電鋸殺手肢解。這位殺手正嘗試用尸體的不同部分組成一個人體拼圖。

Initiation in china , brand - new environmental protection material , delicate design and veriest three dimensional mimic jigsaw puzzles 國內首創,全新的環保材料,精巧的設計,真正的全三維立體拼圖既實用又具有拼裝樂趣的玩具禮品!

After buying a new chain i was faced with the insurmountable task of putting the confusing jigsaw puzzle together again 我買了一條新鏈子之后,便面臨一個難以克服的任務:把這個使人眼花繚亂的“益智分合圖”再重新組合起來。