
jiggle vt.,vi.(使)輕輕搖晃[跳動]。n.〔美國〕輕輕的...


Near the center of the typical chemical reaction , the particular atoms that are going to form the new bonds are not the only ones that jiggle around : so do all the atoms they are connected to and the ones connected to these in turn 在典型的化學反應點附近,那些即將形成新鍵結的原子會動個不停,不只如此,與它們直接相連或間接相連的所有原子,也都沒?著。

This effect occurs because the magnetism in the material is generated by innumerable magnetic atoms , like a host of tiny bar magnets , all roughly aligned but randomly fluctuating like compass needles being jiggled about 這是因為材料的磁性是由無數個磁性原子所產生的,就像一群微小的塊狀磁鐵,它們雖大致排齊但仍不規則,就像羅盤的指針一樣不停晃動。

Bear is 30 pounds overweight , and when the vet examined the dog , he felt an extra layer of jiggle where he should have felt ribs . meanwhile , neiland wants to drop 50 pounds 熊熊超重了30磅,當它進行體檢的時候,獸醫能感覺到它兩肋上的層層贅肉在顫動,而不是摸到它的肋骨。不過與此同時,它的主人尼蘭德也因為肥胖需要減掉50磅體重。

Eventually , the jiggling action of a mouse , lured to the catch by a tasty morsel of peanut butter , causes the holding bar to slip away from the catch , releasing the hammer to spring down upon the unsuspecting mouse 當老鼠被美味的花生醬誘惑到把手附近,它身體的抖動使竿從把手滑落,再令錘子離開彈簧打到那只懵然不知的老鼠身上。

The dials on the front allow you to select an icon to represent what you have plugged in , so you don ' t need to jiggle and tug on the cables when you want to unplug a specific device 你可以在前面板上的圓形按鈕盤上按下圖標以顯示每個插頭所插的物品,這樣當你要拔掉某個電器的時候,你就不會為了從繁雜的電纜中順藤摸瓜而煩惱了。

Bear is 30 pounds overweight , and when the vet examined the dog , he felt an extra layer of jiggle where he should have felt ribs . meanwhile , neiland wants to drop 50 pounds 熊熊超重了30磅,當它進行體檢的時候,獸醫能感覺到它兩肋上的層層贅肉在顫動,而不是摸到它的肋骨。

Fuck the chelsea boys with their waxed chests and pumped - up biceps , going down on each other in my parks and on my piers , jiggling their dicks on my channel 35 操那些有著大胸肌,二頭肌鼓鼓的.同性戀.拉著手在我的公園和碼頭上走動,在35頻道晃動他們的雞巴

If your body were 100 % rock - solid muscle , with absolutely nothing that jiggled ( unless it was supposed to ) , would you care how much you weighed 假如你的身體是100 %巖石般堅固的肌肉,絕對無物可摧(除非存心) ,你還在乎你多重嗎?

Bear is 30 pounds overweight , and when the vet examined the dog , he felt an extra layer of jiggle where he should have felt ribs 熊熊超重了30磅,當它進行體檢的時候,獸醫能感覺到它兩肋上的層層贅肉在顫動,而不是摸到它的肋骨。

“ that ' s okay , ” kevin said , backing away from the table . “ i like the way they jiggle around in my pants “不用了, ”凱文一邊離開桌子一邊對荷官說: “我喜歡聽這些東西在我口袋里唧里嘎拉的。 ”

Let me see you jiggle it from side to side niggaz if it s static , then pass me the strap , 它讓我毫不畏懼的告訴你我的感情如今害怕的思念著每一個過去

Carry the cup carefully and don ' t jiggle it , or you ' ll spill the tea 小心注意危險和風險和危險性端那個杯子,別搖晃它,不然你會把茶灑出來。

I swayed and jiggled the watery mixture as if i were panning for gold 我抱著搪瓷罐就像淘金子那樣使勁把這些水汪汪的混合物搖勻。

Just ignore all that noise , all that talk , all that yelling , all that jiggling 不管所有的噪音不管是交談,叫喊還是其他馬的碰撞

Carry the cup carefully and don ' t jiggle it , or you ' ll spill the tea 小心端那個杯子,別搖晃它,不然你會把茶灑出來。

The shake was merely jiggled chocolate milk , sans ice cream 這個奶昔只是用力搖晃過的巧克力牛奶,根本沒有冰淇淋。

I ' d worry about my rolls jiggling around in the spotlight 要是我的話我會擔心我的圓面包在燈光底下跳個不停

Hey . the gate ' s broken , so just give it a jiggle and then just push 嗨,門壞了,搖一下然后推一下

Height excluding jiggle bar height is 27cm 高度不包含搖手柄高度為27cm