
jic 短語和例子JIC =1.Joint Intelligen...


We are specialized in producing hydraulic fittings , at present we can offer our customer more than 4 , 000 items , all these items are based on sae , din , jic and international standards , either our customer offer samples ( we would design the prints and send back to you for approval , ) or offer prints , we would produce samples first for customers ' inspection 我們專業供應各種各樣的液壓件,目前可心提供給客戶4 , 000多個品種,不僅可以提供給客戶sae的標準件,還可以提供給客戶din標準件, jic ,和國標標準件等,客戶提供圖紙,或者提供樣品,我們來設計圖紙供客戶確認,然后再提供給客戶檢測。

Because both of ctod and j - integral can be used to evaluate structure security , there must be a relationship between them , this paper probes the relationship between ctod and j - integral along with their critical value c and jic on the basis of the fruits from the original 由于ctod和j積分都可以作為結構安全評定的參數,它們之間必然存在著一定的聯系,本文在前人研究成果的基礎上,對ctod和j積分及其特征值_ c和j _ ( c )的關系進行了探索。

Method of elastic - plastic fracture toughness jic testing for metallic materials in liquid helium 液氦中金屬材料的彈塑性斷裂韌度的jic測試方法

Metallic materials - standard test method for jic , a measure of ductile fracture toughness 金屬材料延性斷裂韌度jic試驗方法

Test method for jic , a measure of fracture toughness Jic -破裂韌性的試驗方法