
jibe vi.(帆)從一舷轉至他舷。vt.使調換方向,使改變航道...


In 1978 amateur philologist john stojko claimed that the text was written in ukrainian with the vowels removed , but his translation ? which included sentences such as “ emptiness is that what baby god ' s eye is fighting for ” ? did not jibe with the manuscript ' s illustrations nor with ukrainian history 1978年,業馀文獻研究者史托濟科指出,這種文字是以去掉母音的烏克蘭文寫成,不過他轉譯出來的內容(包括小上帝的眼睛要爭奪的是空虛)并不符合手稿上的插圖,跟烏克蘭歷史也沒什麼關系。

Marya hendrihovna was the wife of the regimental doctor ; a pretty young german woman , whom he had married in poland . either from lack of means or disinclination to part from his young wife in the early days of their marriage , the doctor had brought her with him in the regiment , and his jealousy was a favourite subject for the jibes of the hussars 瑪麗亞亨里霍夫娜是團隊醫生的妻子,是醫生在波蘭娶的一位年輕漂亮的德國女人,醫生不是由于沒有財產,就是因為新婚初期不愿離開年輕的妻子,就帶著她隨軍東奔西走,在驃騎軍官中,醫生的醋意倒成了通常取笑的話題。

Whereat crotthers of alba longa sang young malachi s praise of that beast the unicorn how once in the millennium he cometh by his horn the other all this while pricked forward with their jibes wherewith they did malice him , witnessing all and several by saint foutinus his engines that he was able to do any manner of thing that lay in man to do 此刻,阿爾巴隆加的克羅瑟斯吟詠了青年瑪拉基為每千年長一次角的獨角獸30所作之贊歌。眾人豎耳聆聽,皆笑且譏之,曰: “以圣福蒂努斯31之名發誓,眾所周知,凡是男子所能做到者,其32器官均能做到。 ”

But on the debit side , as you leave office , the nation is saddled with a $ 2 . 6 trillion debt , an enormous deficit , caused perhaps by the tripling of military spending and tax cut . how does this jibe with the goals that you set eight years ago and i ' d like to follow up 可是在負債方面,閣下離任時,國家負擔了二兆六千億的債務。這是一筆可觀的赤字,可能系由軍費增加三倍和減稅所致。這如何能與閣下八年以前所訂的目標相吻合?本人愿聞其詳。

Crookes and wallace ranged up on the opposing side , while sir oliver lodge attempted to formulate a compromise that would jibe with his particular cosmic theories . maeterlinck s followers rallied around the standard of mysticism 柯魯克和華萊士卻持反對意見而奧利福羅季爵士則試圖從中尋求出一個折中的公式,使之和他獨特的宇宙理論會拍。

To all the other soldiers platon karataev was the most ordinary soldier ; they called him little hawk , or platosha ; made good - humoured jibes at his expense , sent him to fetch things 普拉東卡拉塔耶夫對所有其余的俘虜來說,也是個一般的士兵,都叫他小雄鷹或普拉托沙,善意地開他的玩笑,支他的差。

Above all , he will have to work much harder at disproving nixon ' s “ dumb ” jibe if he is to beat hillary clinton 如果他要打敗希拉里,最重要的是湯普森得更加努力證明尼克松對他的嘲笑說他太笨是錯的。

Nicely spoken . i can appreciate a well - placed jibe . perhaps i will speak with you , after all 說得好,我能接受適當地嘲諷,也許,不管怎樣,我還會和你交談。

Jibe : to shift the mainsail from one side to the other when sailing with the wind behind ; also “ gybe “ 轉帆:順風行駛時將主帆從船的一側轉到另一側。

Gybe : to shift the mainsail from one side to the other when sailing with the wind behind ; also “ jibe “ 轉帆:順風行駛時將主帆從船的一側轉到另一側。

His jibes hurt his neighbor ' s feelings 他的嘲弄傷害了他鄰居的感情。

Our opinions jibe . 我們的看法一致。

The report does not jibe with the facts . 報告與事實不符。