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jib crane 搖臂吊車,旋臂吊車。

jib door

Our company owns powerful technical design department which engages in the developing , consulting , producing and maintaining of the lift tables , balance crane , jib crane , etc . the products are all by cad and adopt new technology and new craft . they are in the leading place and have widely used in logistics , light textile , chemical industry , printing , harbor , station , etc 公司擁有實力雄厚的技術設計部門,致力于升降臺平衡吊旋臂吊氣墊裝置等產品的開發咨詢生產與維修,產品全部由計算機輔助設計,采用新技術新工藝,產品已廣泛用于物流輕紡化工印刷港口車站等。

The laminated jib crane is suitable for the production and maintenance in such fields as machinery manufacture , railway , chemical industry , light industry , etc . the characteristics of this product are novel structure , convenient operation and high efficiency 疊臂式旋臂起重機適用于機械制造,鐵路化工,輕工等行業的生產維修場合。該產品具有結構新穎,伸屈自如,操作靈便,高效節能,是短距離吊運作業頻率高的生產線上的理想的起重設備。

Is the professional manufacturer of the country of producing storeage logistics equipment such as hydraulic lift tables , balance crane , jib crane , etc . the products adopt the domestic and international advanced production technology and craft 是國內生產液壓升降臺平衡吊旋臂吊氣墊裝置等倉儲物流設備的專業廠家。產品采用國內外先進的生產技術和工藝。

Chain blocks , crane - use electrical saddles , crane - use manual saddles , jib cranes , railroad maintenance equipment 鏈動滑輪,吊車專用電動滑板,吊車專用手動滑板,懸臂起重機,鐵路養路器械