
jezebel n.耶西別〔古代以色列國王亞哈的妻子,殘忍淫蕩〕。


“ now then send and gather to me all israel at mount carmel , together with 450 prophets of baal and 400 prophets of the asherah , who eat at jezebel ' s table . 王上18 : 19現在你當差遣人、招聚以色列眾人、和事奉巴力的那四百五十個先知、并耶洗別所供養事奉亞舍拉的那四百個先知、使他們都上迦密山去見我。

Then jezebel sent a messenger unto elijah , saying , so let the gods do to me , and more also , if i make not thy life as the life of one of them by to morrow about this time 王上19 : 2耶洗別就差遣人去見以利亞、告訴他說、明日約在這時候、我若不使你的性命像那些人的性命一樣、愿神明重重的降罰與我。

Then jezebel sent a messenger unto elijah , saying , so let the gods do to me , and more also , if i make not thy life as the life of one of them by to morrow about this time 2耶洗別就差遣人去見以利亞,告訴他說,明日約在這時候,我若不使你的性命像那些人的性命一樣,愿神明重重地降罰與我。

Was it not told my lord what i did when jezebel slew the prophets of the lord , how i hid an hundred men of the lord ' s prophets by fifty in a cave , and fed them with bread and water 王上: 18 : 4耶洗別殺耶和華眾先知的時候、俄巴底將一百個先知藏了、每五十人藏在一個洞里、拿餅和水供養他們。

As soon as jezebel heard that naboth had been stoned to death , she said to ahab , “ get up and take possession of the vineyard of naboth the jezreelite that he refused to sell you 15耶洗別聽見拿伯被石頭打死、就對亞哈說、你起來得耶斯列人拿伯不肯為價銀給你的葡萄園罷現在他已經死了。

For when jezebel was cutting off the prophets of the lord , obadiah took a hundred of them , and kept them secretly in a hole in the rock , fifty at a time , and gave them bread and water 耶洗別殺耶和華眾先知的時候、俄巴底將一百個先知藏了、每五十人藏在一個洞里、拿餅和水供養他們。

Then jezebel sent a servant to elijah , saying , may the gods ' punishment be on me if i do not make your life like the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time 耶洗別就差遣人去見以利亞、告訴他說、明日約在這時候、我若不使你的性命像那些人的性命一樣、愿神明重重的降罰與我。

Now send , and get israel together before me at mount carmel , with the four hundred and fifty prophets of baal who get their food at jezebel ' s table 現在你當差遣人、招聚以色列眾人、和事奉巴力的那四百五十個先知、并耶洗別所供養事奉亞舍拉的那四百個先知、使他們都上迦密山去見我。

For it was so , when jezebel cut off the prophets of the lord , that obadiah took an hundred prophets , and hid them by fifty in a cave , and fed them with bread and water 王上18 : 4耶洗別殺耶和華眾先知的時候、俄巴底將一百個先知藏了、每五十人藏在一個洞里、拿餅和水供養他們。

While jezebel was killing off the lord ' s prophets , obadiah had taken a hundred prophets and hidden them in two caves , fifty in each , and had supplied them with food and water 4耶洗別殺耶和華眾先知的時候、俄巴底將一百個先知藏了、每五十人藏在一個洞里、拿餅和水供養他們。

And jezebel sent a messenger to elijah , saying , the gods do so to me and even more , if by this time tomorrow i do not make your life like the life of one of them 2耶洗別就差遣使者去見以利亞,說,明日到這時候,我若不使你的性命像那些人的性命一樣,愿神明重重的降罰與我。

You shall strike the house of ahab your master , that i may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets , and the blood of all the servants of the lord , at the hand of jezebel 王下9 : 7你要擊殺你主人亞哈的全家、我好在耶洗別身上伸我仆人眾先知、和耶和華一切仆人流血的冤。

For it was so , when jezebel cut off the prophets of the lord , that obadiah took an hundred prophets , and hid them by fifty in a cave , and fed them with bread and water 4耶洗別殺耶和華眾先知的時候,俄巴底將一百個先知藏了,每五十人藏在一個洞里,拿餅和水供養他們。

And you shall strike the house of ahab your master , and i will avenge the blood of my servants the prophets and the blood of all the servants of jehovah at the hand of jezebel 7你要擊殺你主人亞哈的家,我好在耶洗別身上伸她流我仆人眾申言者和耶和華一切仆人之血的冤。

And thou shalt smite the house of ahab thy master , that i may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets , and the blood of all the servants of the lord , at the hand of jezebel 7你要擊殺你主人亞哈的全家,我好在耶洗別身上伸我仆人眾先知和耶和華一切仆人流血的冤。

When joram saw jehu , he said , “ is it peace , jehu ? “ and he answered , “ what peace , so long as the harlotries of your mother jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many ? 王下9 : 22約蘭見耶戶就說、耶戶阿、平安麼。耶戶說、你母親耶洗別的淫行邪術這樣多、焉能平安呢。

Jezebel his wife said , “ is this how you act as king over israel ? get up and eat ! cheer up . i ' ll get you the vineyard of naboth the jezreelite . 7王后耶洗別對亞哈說,你現在是治理以色列國不是。只管起來,心里暢暢快快地吃飯,我必將耶斯列人拿伯的葡萄園給你。

And when jezebel cut off the prophets of jehovah , obadiah took a hundred prophets and hid them by fifties in a cave and kept them fed with bread and water 4耶洗別剪除耶和華眾申言者的時候,俄巴底將一百個申言者,每五十人藏在一個洞里,拿餅和水供養他們。

You are to destroy the house of ahab your master , and i will avenge the blood of my servants the prophets and the blood of all the lord ' s servants shed by jezebel 7你要擊殺你主人亞哈的全家,我好在耶洗別身上伸我仆人眾先知和耶和華一切仆人流血的冤。