
jewry n.1.〔集合詞〕猶太人;猶太民族。2.猶太人居住區域。


The cause of soviet jewish emigration his its historical origins : the soviet governmental policy on jewry and the long - term anti - jewry movements was its realistic foundation . and the long time difficult living situation of soviet - jewry was its psychological reason 蘇聯猶太移民問題的產生有著深刻的歷史根源,蘇聯政府對猶民族政策和長期的反猶運動是其現實基礎,長期以來蘇聯猶太人的艱難生活處境是導致蘇聯猶太移民問題形成的心理動因。

The triumph in 1967 gave them reason to believe again . “ for jewry to be envied : that is a change indeed , ” concluded the economist ' s dispatch from jerusalem that week ( see article ) “猶太民族已變得讓人羨慕:而事實上,這只是一個轉折, ”那個星期的《經濟學人》在刊發來自耶路撒冷的急件中做出了這樣一個結論。

And they were the more fierce , saying , he stirreth up the people , teaching throughout all jewry , beginning from galilee to this place 他們卻越極力地說?他鼓勵民眾,沿全猶太教訓人,從加利利起,直到這里了。

Jewish experiences in the 20th century have included the nazi extermination or “ holocaust “ of most of european jewry 20世紀猶太人的經歷包含了納粹把大部分歐洲猶太人加以消滅或對他們進行“大屠殺” 。

But european jewry is a patchwork quilt , where the bond with israel depends greatly on local conditions 但歐洲猶太人猶如拼接的棉被一般,他們同以色列的結合非常依賴當地情況。

Jewish experiences in the 20th century have included the nazi extermination or “holocaust“ of most of european jewry . 20世紀猶太人的經歷包含了納粹把大部分歐洲猶太人加以消滅或對他們進行“大屠殺”。