
jewish adj.猶太人的;猶太人似的,猶太人作風的。 the J...


Should every jewish people hates every german people 每個猶太人都應該去恨德國人嗎?

Because they were afraid of the jewish authorities 因為他們害怕猶太官長。

But don ' t forget - you ' re also one - quarter jewish 但別忘了.你還有四分之一猶太血統

Now , he ' s just a 33 - year - old , crazy jewish guy 現在,他只是個33歲的瘋狂的猶太男孩

They could be jewish activists or relatives 他們可能是猶太激進主義分子或者相關人員

A trition that marks a jewish child “ s obligation 傳統強調,猶太孩子的義務是

Clever how you invented the jewish group “發明“出一個猶太組織來掩飾自己真夠聰明的

Know anything about the murder of the jewish 了解關于布羅薩爾曾是殺害猶太僑居者的

The jewish authorities came back at him with a question . 因此,猶太人問他說

Studies in the history of jewish societies in hong kong 香港猶太社團歷史研究

The jewish authorities did not go inside the paiace . . 猶太官長沒有進衙門. .

The jewish slope , we called it in lake forest 我們管它叫猶太斜坡,萊克森林里面的

Help each other the chinese - jewish friendship in 2nd world war 二戰時期的中猶友誼

Passover starts the jewish religious calendar 逾越節是猶太人宗教日歷的開端。

Oh , uh , well , greg ' s jewish , dad . you know that 歐, greg是猶太人,爸你知道的

We are jewish . he said that we should get out 我們是猶太人他說我們必須出列

Because the jewish authorities there were wanting to kiii him 因為猶太人想要殺他

Could chinese guys like a jewish girl like me 中國人會喜歡像我一個猶太人嗎?

Okay , i ' m white , i ' m blonde , i ' m jewish 是的,我是次,我是金發女人,我是猶太人