
jewett n.1.朱伊特〔姓氏〕。2.Sarah Orne Jew...


One could name other women - - mary wilkins freeman ( 1852 - 1930 ) , for example - - who like mrs . stowe and miss jewett to illustrate the aura of new england 我們還可以舉出另外一些女作家- -比如說瑪麗弗里溫( 1852 - 1930 ) - -象斯托夫人和朱厄特小姐一樣,寫的都是新英格蘭的光輝氣息。

Instead , the 47 - year - old took a bus from his jewett city home to a bank and returned the check to the niece of the landlord to whom the check was written 這名47歲的男子反而從他居住的吉特城搭巴士到一家銀行,然后把支票還給抬頭上所寫的房東的侄女。

Indeed , there is a succession here , from mrs . stowe to jewett and then to willa cather 說真的,我們在這里可以看到,從斯托夫人到朱厄特,再到威拉?凱瑟是一脈相承的。

“ i ' m sorry , mr . jewett , “ he heard himself say flatly “朱厄特生先,很抱歉, ”他不由得直截了當地說。

One could name other women--mary wilkins freeman(1852-1930), for example--who like mrs. stowe and miss jewett to illustrate the aura of new england . 我們還可以舉出另外一些女作家--比如說瑪麗弗里溫(1852-1930)--象斯托夫人和朱厄特小姐一樣,寫的都是新英格蘭的光輝氣息。

The desirability of cooperative catalogues was seen by jewett in the usa and the kenyon committee in britain: 美國的朱厄特和英國的凱尼恩委員會早已看出了合作編目的必要性。

Indeed, there is a succession here, from mrs. stowe to jewett and then to willa cather . 說真的,我們在這里可以看到,從斯托夫人到朱厄特,再到威拉凱瑟是一脈相承的。