
jewellery 短語和例子jewelryn.1.珠寶類。2.珠寶飾物。


Special discounts on selected jewellery items 精選珠寶折扣優惠

It won ' t take a moment to ease the ladies of their jewellery 要劫去婦女們的珠寶首飾是不費時的。

Favorite stars : zhang . xueyou and liu . dehua favorite jewellery : earrings 最喜愛的明星張學友劉德華

Analyse method of gold content in jewellery 首飾含金量分析方法

Label for jewellery ; label for jewellery of multiple production 珠寶飾物標簽.復合珠寶飾物的標簽

Methods for determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys 鉑首飾用合金中的鉑的測定方法

Fashion , jewellery , watches and accessories 時裝珠寶鐘表及配飾

Sampling inspection rules by attributes for precious metal jewellery 貴金屬首飾計數抽樣檢查規則

Which customers ordered more jewellery 哪批顧客定購珠寶更多呢?

This diamond brooch is my most valuable piece of jewellery 這個鉆石胸針是我最貴重的一件珠寶。

Jewellery pos system for shop use 珠寶零售系統pos system店鋪適用

Jewellery . fineness of precious metal alloys 珠寶.貴金屬合金純度

If you have no jewellery , can ' t you wear a flower instead 如果沒有首飾的話,就不能戴朵花嗎

Jewellery - fineness of precious metal alloys 珠寶.貴金屬合金的純度

She run a jewellery concession in the hotel lobby 她在飯店大廳經營著一個獲特許權的珠寶店。

Jewellery . ring - sizes . definition , mesurage et designations 珠寶.戒指尺寸.定義測量和標識

Methods of determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys 銀飾用合金中銀含量的測定方法

Hong kong jewellery jade manufacturers association 香港珠寶玉石廠商會

Jewellery - ring - size - definition , measurement and designation 首飾指環尺寸的定義測量和命名