
jeweller n.寶石匠;寶石商,珠寶商。


Well , well , said the jeweller , you seem , my good friends , to have had some fears respecting the accuracy of your money , by counting it over so carefully directly i was gone 卡德魯斯的兩手依舊緊緊地抓著他的金洋和鈔票,而卡康脫女人則極力向客人裝出一副善意的微笑。啊!

The houston rapper paul wall , who describes his 25 , 000 14 , 000 oral bling as “ a disco ball “ , has teamed up with a texan jeweller to launch a line of custom - made mouthpieces 而另一為饒舌歌手保羅口中的珠寶牙套也價值2500萬英鎊,他還戲稱自己是“將disco球含在口中” 。

Thousands of indian jewellers shut their stores and held a noisy protest in the financial capital of mumbai against a rise in burglaries and attacks on gold merchants 數以千計的印度珠寶商關店,并在金融中心孟買舉行一場喧鬧的抗議活動,抗議竊案與金飾業者遇襲案增加。

The houston rapper paul wall , who describes his 25 , 000 14 , 000 oral bling as a disco ball , has teamed up with a texan jeweller to launch a line of custom - made mouthpieces 而另一為饒舌歌手保羅口中的珠寶牙套也價值2500萬英鎊,他還戲稱自己是“將disco球含在口中” 。

At the dance last night , mrs bailey was in grand feather with a ruby velvet gown and so many diamonds that she looked like a walking jeweller ' s shop 在昨晚的舞會上,貝利夫人身穿綴有紅寶石的天鵝絨的衣服,戴著許多鉆石,滿身珠光寶氣,看上去活像一爿珠寶店。

The jeweller had been burgled twice in a year before he decided to install extra security devices , but it was a case of locking the stable door after the horse has bolted 這個珠寶商一年內被偷竊兩次后才決定安裝特別的保險裝置,這是一個賊去關門的事例。

The next morning the green beads were pictured in the daily newspaper with a paragraph on how lucky they had proved in 6 ) foiling a raid at the jewellers 第二天上午,日報登載了綠珠的照片,還有一段文字,報道了珠寶店如何幸運地逃過那場搶劫。

Harvey and thompson ' s shops are airy and light ; their windows look like those of high - street jewellers , with unredeemed goods buffed up and arranged on velvet 哈維湯普森店里寬敞明亮,櫥窗像高級商業街的珠寶店一樣,陳列著閃閃發光的商品。

Trendy boutiques with designer names alternate with large fashion houses , famous jewellers and the select temples of the gourmet 追求時髦的時裝店以設計師的名字命名,與大型時裝屋、著名珠寶商店和美食家們精挑細選的食品場所相映成趣。

You must be tired , said she to the jeweller ; i have spread a pair of white sheets on your bed ; go up when you are ready , and sleep well 你一定很累了,她向珠寶商說道,我已經在你的床上鋪好了白床單。你去你的臥室休息吧,晚安!

Oh , i am not afraid of thunder , said the jeweller . - and then there are robbers , said la carconte . the road is never very safe during fair time 那么強盜呢,卡康脫女人說道,在這條路上碰到這樣的集市時期是向來不十分安全的。

He sighed heavily . - well , said the jeweller , as he placed himself at table , all i can say is , so much the worse for those who are abroad 那珠寶商一邊在桌子前面坐下來,一邊說道,說來說去那些在船上的人可算倒霉了。啊!

It is dearer than it has been for decades , yet jewellers and industrialists would need years to use up all the world ' s stocks 金價比十年前貴的多,但是可能只要數年時間珠寶商和實業家就會消耗掉全世界的黃金儲備。

“ i say that the diamond is real , and that this gentleman , one of the first jewellers of paris , will give us 50 , 000 francs for it 我說那顆鉆石是真的,這位先生是巴黎的頭等珠寶商,他肯出五萬法郎買我們的鉆石。

In august it paid $ 330m for the tiffany building in tokyo ? around double what the jeweller bought it for in 2003 而8月的時候,他們化3 . 3億美元買下了東京的蒂梵尼大廈? ?幾乎是這珠寶商2003年時出價的兩倍。

In august it paid $ 330m for the tiffany building in tokyo ? around double what the jeweller bought it for in 2003 在8月,高盛出資3 . 3億美金購買了東京蒂芙尼大樓- -是2003年(蒂芙尼)這個珠寶商買價的兩倍。

Here they are , replied the jeweller , and he counted out upon the table 15 , 000 francs in gold , and 30 , 000 francs in bank - notes 珠寶商回答說,于是他在桌子上數出一萬五千法郎的金洋和三萬法郎的鈔票。

Thank you , replied the jeweller , it must be getting late , and i must return to beaucaire - my wife will be getting uneasy 謝謝你,珠寶商答道,時候不早了,我必須趕回布揆耳去了。我的太太要著急了。

Let me see this diamond again , replied the jeweller ; the first time you are often mistaken as to the value of a stone 讓我再來看一下這顆鉆石,珠寶商答道,寶石的價值第一次看的時候常常會估錯的。