
jewell n.朱厄爾〔女子名〕。


Scharner , who came on as a 33rd - minute substitute for the injured lee mcculloch , rose at the far post to powerfully head in a deep cross from gary teale with 12 minutes remaining . “ i was really disappointed with our first - half performance but we responded in the second half and all credit to the players , “ wigan manager paul jewell told sky sports 本場比賽結束后,維網競技隊主教練杰維爾接受英國天空體育電視臺的采訪,他說: “我對上半場球隊的表現非常失望,但在下半場我們做出了應有的反應,勝利應歸功于球員們的努力。

Ferguson , among others , had been somewhat patronising in commending wigan on their performance in cardiff , suggesting that they had done themselves proud , but their first - half performance showed why jewell and his players looked back on their big day with regrets 弗格森和其他人一樣表揚了維根在卡迪夫的表現,認為他們捍衛了自己的榮譽,但是他們上半時的表現表明了為什么杰威爾和他的球員們會對那天的結果很遺憾。

That ' s what jewell chapman ' s high school principal told her in 1961 when he banned the girls basketball program . “ we were very frustrated , “ said chapman , a forward for her high school team of des moines 打籃球可不是女孩干的事,這是1961年尤厄爾查普曼的中學校長對她說的話,當年這位校長可是“封殺”了學校的女子籃球隊。

Paul jewell looked to have aged about twenty years in his post - match interview , but if his team continue to play as well as they did in the second half , he will certainly enjoy better days 保羅朱維爾在賽后的采訪中象是老了二十歲,但是如果維根能夠在下半場的比賽中繼續出色的發揮,他會感覺很享受。

Paul jewell had voiced the opinion that gallas had been told to keep the ball when mcculloch went down apparently injured , saying it was “ a bit unsporting ” of chelsea to do that 保羅?杰維爾宣稱,在比賽中麥克庫洛奇明顯倒地受傷時,加拉斯卻被告知保有球權,這是切爾西有點缺乏體育道德的做法。

Playing basketball isn ' t ladylike . that ' s what jewell chapman ' s high school principal told her in 1961 when he banned the girls basketball program 打籃球可不是女孩干的事,這是1961年尤厄爾?查普曼的中學校長對她說的話,當年這位校長可是“封殺”了學校的女子籃球隊。

Paul jewell made a concerted bid to sign andy johnson before he opted to join everton and roberts ' days now appear to be numbered at the jjb stadium 保羅.朱厄爾正在協商在安迪.約翰遜選擇加入埃佛頓前簽入這名球員,而羅伯茨在jjb體育場的日子已經進入倒計時。

Jewell , with most deciding that too many people knew he was a suspect for his name to be avoided or suppressed 且個個都非常篤定,太多人因為他(周爾)的名字被?避或隱瞞,而知道他就是嫌犯。

Wigan ' s jewell had conceded that his side had been beaten by “ a world class team with world class players 維甘主帥杰維爾承認,他的球隊是被“一支擁有世界級球員的世界級強隊”擊敗。

One envies so inquisitive a man as jewell , who sat down to the study of physiology in his sixties 我們羨慕象裘伊這樣的勤學好問之人,他到了六十多歲居然還能坐下來研究生理學。

Paul jewell ' s 200th league game in charge of wigan proved a less than memorable occasion for the manager 本場比賽是維網隊主教練杰維爾執教該隊的第200場聯賽。

Paul jewell has hit back at jose mourinho and told the chelsea boss : “ we ' re no cheats ” 保羅?杰維爾反擊穆理尼奧并告訴切而西老板: “我們不是騙子! ”

Jewell must be sick of the sight of united , but at least his team proved a point here 杰威爾一定是看到曼聯就惡心,但是最起碼他的球隊證明了自己。

Jewell was erroneously linked to the 1996 olympic bombing at atlanta 杰維爾曾被誤以為與1996年亞特蘭大奧林匹克爆炸案有關。

Former security guard richard jewell has died 前保安理查德?杰維爾逝世。

Former security guard richard jewell has died 前保安警官里查德?朱厄爾去世。