
jeweler n.寶石匠;寶石商,珠寶商。


The tipple requires 72 hours ' notice , and buyers meet with a jeweler to select a gem and with hotel staff to ensure the cocktail is delivered to the right table 制酒的材料需要提前72小時通知,買主與珠寶商碰面選一顆寶石,酒店的員工還要確保酒給對了桌。

“ as a jeweler engraves a signet , you shall engrave the two stones according to the names of the sons of israel ; you shall set them in filigree settings of gold 出28 : 11要用刻寶石的手工、彷佛刻圖書、按著以色列兒子的名字、刻這兩塊寶石、要鑲在金槽上。

Most jewelcrafting items require a jeweler ' s kit to produce , this is a trade item you can buy from nearly any trade goods vendor for 8s 大多數的珠寶加工物品需要珠寶加工工具來制造,這是個你可以在幾乎所有的商業物品商那里以8個銀幣買到的商業物品。

Jewelers who own or manage stores or shops also hire and train employees ; order , market , and sell merchandise ; and perform other managerial duties 業主、經理既要負責招聘、培訓人員,同時也要處理訂單、開拓市場、銷售產品,以及履行本身的管理職責。

Regardless of the type of work done or the work setting , jewelers require a high degree of skill , precision , and attention to detail 不論是從事何種工作,無論工作如何設置,寶石行業人員都需要在技藝、精度和對細節的關注等方面都具有很高程度的素質。

But ever finer control of the temperature gradient around the seed is eliminating the telltale imperfections that jewelers could once detect with a magnifying glass 然而,一種能更精細控制晶種周圍溫度梯度的方法,正逐漸去除這種遮掩不了的瑕疵。

The precipitous sichuan - xizang road runs so zigzag that it looks as if strung a line of sparkling magnificent pearls and jeweler , and a beautiful fairy land as well 一條險峻的川藏公路,穿起了一串瑰麗晶瑩的珠寶,也穿起了一個美麗的童話世界。

Ask a skilled bench jeweler whether a popular jewelry design can be made with a colored stone , and the odds are you ' ll receive an affirmative answer 若要問一個熟練的珠寶匠一件流行首飾是否能用彩色寶石制作,你得到的回答多半是肯定的。

Rolex capitalized on the event by using it in advertisements , and by building displays in jewelers ' windows that featured a watch submerged in a small tank of water 勞力士借機用它一旦廣告由陳列大樓、興隆'窗口,觀看演出的小缸水淹沒

Though chang chieh did not know master personally , he held her in high esteem and regarded her works as on a par with those by european jewelers 張杰先生并不認識師父,他把師父視為一位珠寶設計師,并把師父作品與歐系設計師相提并論。

It would often take a jeweler s eye to see the differences . but now , quartz gems have begun to be appreciated for their own beauty and attributes 本款茶水晶手環所選用的水晶清澈通透,在放大鏡下,可看到極少量細微冰裂,無云霧。

The individual parts then are soldered together , and the jeweler may mount a diamond or other gem or may engrave a design into the metal 每個配件被組合起來,并鑲嵌上鉆石或者其他珠寶,也可以在金屬飾品上雕刻一些文字圖案。

The first story features an elderly jeweler s adventures with his unsatisfied wife , a handsome neighbor , and the neighborhood bordello 暗渡陳倉,表面上小白臉和富商老婆偷情,實則表達的是騙財和富商計中計的嫖妓計謀。

First , he went to a jeweler friend of his and paid a low price for a very valuable gold ring , with a beautiful red ruby in it 首先,他去一個做寶石生意的朋友那兒,以低價買了枚鑲有紅寶石的極珍貴的金戒指。

Once you ' ve educated yourself , visit your trusted jeweler and see first hand the differences in side - by - side comparisons 在你學習了以下的基本知識后,你就可以拜訪一位你信任的珠寶商,了解更多的實際經驗。

Many jewelers also study gemology in order to become familiar with the physical properties of the gem stones with which they work 一些珠寶工藝人員出于更好的了解他們加工的寶石的特性也鉆研寶石學。

River north features loft buildings that house art galleries , auction houses , antique dealers , jewelers and clothing boutiques 北岸主要特色是那些藝術品畫廊拍賣會場古玩店珠寶時裝名品店。

The interior cotton is non tarnishing jeweler s cotton . great for bangles , pendant with chain , pocket watches , large earrings etc 可用來存放耳環戒指胸針手鏈腳鏈手鐲項鏈手表等。

It ' s the third consecutive year that the jewelers presented a special creation made out of gold just for christmas 這些珠寶商已經連續三年在圣誕節到來之際用黃金打造特殊的假日裝飾品。