
jewel n.1.寶石,寶玉。2.寶石飾物,鑲有寶石的裝飾品。3....


You always have my jewels up there to paint 你一直把我的珠寶放在那里用來作畫

V is for virtue . virtue is a jewel of great price 代表美德。美德是無價之寶。

Here ' s my offer . you give me back the jewels 我想說的就這么多.你還給我珠寶

I was a member in good standing of the christian jewels 我是基督珍珠會的一員

Soon you ' ll live your life in jewels and not chains 你馬上能掙脫枷鎖榮華富貴了

Put your hands together for the christian jewels 我們一起來慶祝這次基督珍珠聚會

To contribute to the restoration of these jewels 讓我為修復這些珠寶且盡綿薄之力

[ english ] what ' s this got to do with the crown jewels 這和王冠有什么聯系嗎?

@ each one ' s a jewel , with a singular shine @每個人都是一件珠寶,有著獨特的光澤

He helped her to arrange the jewels around her neck 他幫著她把珠寶戴在脖子上。

Tourist3 : anna , where are the crown jewels kept 游客三:安娜,皇冠保存在哪里?

Jewels in the crown ? or dollars in the making 王冠上的珠寶?或是制作中的貨幣?

I might ask the best of the crown jewels for laying the head of such an insolent conspiracy at the foot of her majesty, with a certainty of being gratified . 我把一顆無法無天的陰謀家的腦袋呈獻于王后陛下的腳下,定能得到王冠上最寶貴的一顆珠寶的賞賜。

He loved her in the prime of her beauty, as many did, like loving, or “admiring“ rather, a jewelled scabbard in which a sword was hidden . 在她姿容艷麗的韶華歲月,象許多人那樣,他愛她就象愛慕或者就是“贊美”一柄藏著利劍的珠光寶氣的華麗劍鞘。

But you are more pleasant to the eye as you stand there now than if you had a crown on your head, and jewels dangling from your hair . 可是你現在的樣子,真要比你頭戴王冠,滿身珠光寶氣可愛的多。

Inside the box was a great hoard of silver plate and gold coins, beside a few jewels and some precious ornaments of solid gold . 箱子里邊藏著許多銀盤子和金幣,還有珠寶和珍貴的純金裝飾品。

It crossed his mind that she must somehow have claimed and sold the jewels to attain her position . 他忽然想起來,她一定是不知道用什么法子,把那些珠寶要出來變賣了,才弄到這種地位。

For thousand years or more the japanese had lived like seedy caretakers watching over precious jewels . 千百年來,日本人過的日子就好比是衣衫不周的看守人看守著貴重的珠寶。

She wanted to try the jewels on her fingers, but something in her would not let her . 她想試戴一下這些戒指,可是心里有某種東西不讓她這樣做。