
jew n.猶太人,猶太教徒。the wondering Jew...

jew baiting

The jews will speak the sentence casually with meaningful looks, if possible beyond ss earshot . 猶太人將隨隨便便地把這句話說出來,臉上流露出意味深長的神色,可能的話在黨衛軍聽不到的地方說。

The army has not only refrained from atrocities, but has at times interfered to protect the jews from the local population . 軍隊不僅不準施暴,而且經常出頭干涉保護猶太人不受當地居民欺侮。

Catholic spain had, by expelling its jews and moers, achieved the spiritual security of a united church . 信奉天主教的西班牙人在逐出猶太人和摩爾人后,統一了教會,在精神上獲得了安全感。

Even as germany in 1944 began to crumple, crucial war resources continued to go to murdering jews . 到1944年,德國已經開始崩潰的時候,重要的作戰資源繼續給用去殺害猶太人。

A burly blond-bearded polish jew in a sort of military cap makes himself the car captain . 一個體格魁偉、金黃色胡子的波蘭猶太人,戴的好象是一頂軍帽,自告奮勇當了列車長。

Therefore there was great enmity between this covetous jew and the generous merchant antonio . 因此,這個貪婪的猶太人就跟慷慨的商人安東尼奧結下了很深的仇恨。

Nearly 2, 000, 000 jews entered the united states in the thirty-four years from 1881 to 1915 . 從一八八一到一九一五年的三十四年間,將近二百萬猶太人進入美國。

Of all the immigrant people in the united states, the jews are the most able and the most progressive . 在美國的所有移民中,猶太人是最有能力、最富進取性的。

It is possible that the great majority of african and spanish jews are really of phoenician origin . 大多數的非洲和西班牙的猶太人可能確是腓尼基淵源。

Anthony and the jew boy shared a very nice, tumble-down house near the bazaars . 安東尼和那個猶太男孩合住在集市附近一所不壞的但卻搖搖欲墜的房子里。

The jews are broken and gone; the fragments of their people strew the world . 猶太人已經支離破碎、風飄云散了。他們的人七零八落地散到世界各地。

So the swiss have become almost as sticky about jews as our own state department . 因此瑞士人幾乎和我們的國務院一樣,開始對猶太人感到頭痛。

In the world war the german jews had a record of insensate loyalty to the kaiser . 在世界大戰期間,德國猶太人對德皇的盲目忠誠是有案可查的。

Her attitude seems to be, a jew like me, what would i know about this staff . 他那神氣好象是說,象我這樣一個猶太人,怎么會懂得了這種事。

The special action units had no military purpose. their mission concerned the jews . 特別行動隊沒有軍事目標。他們的任務是對付猶太人。

Until then, no jew had ever reached the top ranks of the big three automakers . 直到那時,三大汽車公司的最高層職員從來沒有猶太人。

The greeks rival the jews in being the most politically minded race in the world . 希臘人和猶太人并稱為世界上最熱衷于政治的民族。

Jews in the midwest were probably not keen about advertising their affiliation . 在中西部的猶太人大概并不熱心于宣傳他們的身份。

Personally i think a jew is a jew because he suffers . 我個人的意見總覺得猶太人之所以為猶太人,關鍵就在受罪這一點上。