
jetty 短語和例子jetty1adj.1.煤玉似的。2.烏黑發亮...


This happens partly in the web . xml file and partly in the geronimo - jetty . xml deployment plan 這項指定操作一部分發生在web . xml文件中,還有一部分發生在geronimo - jetty . xml部署計劃中。

She wore an amber - coloured flower , too , in her hair : it contrasted well with the jetty mass of her curls 頭發上還戴著一朵琥珀色的花,與她一團烏黑的卷發形成了對比。 ”

First , geronimo itself is a container that wraps a service such as jetty or tomcat 首先, geronimo本身是一個包裝了像jetty或者tomcat這樣的服務的容器。

I tied up the boat at the jetty but somebody cut it loose and it ' s drifting down the river 我把船系在碼頭,但有人把纜索松脫了,船正在順河漂下。

When the destroyer berths at south railway jetty , she will be welcomed by the chinese ambassador to )停靠后,中國駐英國大使傅瑩女士將等候歡迎。

Geronimo comes standard with two independent web - tier engines : jetty and tomcat Geronimo標準配置有兩個獨立的web層引擎: jetty和tomcat 。

In summary , you must perform the following steps to enable tomcat in place of jetty 總之,您必須執行下面的步驟才能用tomcat替換jetty :

Timber pile jetty 木樁式突堤

Pulau ketam jetty 吉膽新碼頭

Survey at jetty risk 碼頭檢驗險

I tried to regain my balance but i fell off the jetty and into the drink 我試圖恢復平衡,但我卻從棧橋上跌了下來,掉進了水里。

You can now easily select between tomcat and jetty for web - tier components 現在可以很容易地選擇tomcat和jetty來處理web層組件。

Water quality monitoring for ash lagoon operation , coal jetty extension work at lamma island 煤灰湖及運船碼項擴建工程水質監測

Official jetty site Jetty官方網站

The carrier is un - propelled , but under unlimited navigational area and moored at jetty 本艦為無限航區,系泊在碼頭上。

Use geronimo and jetty to create a browser and os detection scheme 使用geronimo實現功能強大的瀏覽器檢測和定制jsp標記

Silt curtain for loading jetty 碼頭的淤泥圍幕

Let me off at this jetty 讓我在下一個碼頭下船

Construction of loading jetty at blp 碼頭建造中