
jettison n.1.(緊急情況下的)投棄貨物。2.拋棄,放棄。vt....


First , he set them to lengthy classical music pieces , and then he boldly experimented with different forms of animation , sometimes jettisoning any sort of narrative altogether . the result is a sometimes mesmerizing , sometimes hilarious , sometimes frightening , but always beautiful moviegoing experience . a box - office failure when first released , it s now considered a timeless treasure 和路迪士尼五十年前的經典作品,以卡通動畫方式表現多首通俗古典樂曲,音樂本身由leopold stokowski指揮費城交響樂團演出,錄音本身已經靚聲到極點lp與cd版本先后多次制版,現今以dvd方式面市,聲音與畫面皆提升至最高水平, disney另外又制作了

Based on the critically acclaimed play about the murder , the kick jettisons crime scenes and dramatic reenactments and tells the story with two black clad actors reading from transcripts in a deserted warehouse , and this stripped down presentation brings hidden undercurrents of classism and anti - semitism to surface . susanne - marie wrage and markus lerchs performances are utterly absorbing 維爾艾把手頭的訪問、審查和法庭答辯小心整理,以簡單的燈光營造和舞臺調度,大膽地以兩個演員去演繹二十多個有關人物的自我剖白;真相想像帶到劇場上演,也成就了一部演技電影。

Loss of or damage to the property involved in the common maritime adventure by or in consequence of a sacrifice made for the common safety , and by water which goes down a ship ' s hatches opened or other opening made for the purpose of making a jettison for the common safety , shall be made good as general average 為了共同安全做出犧牲或其后果和為了共同安全進行拋棄而開艙或打洞以致進水,造成共同航程中的財產的損失,應作為共同海損受到補償。

Loss of or damage to the property involved in the common maritime adventure by or in consequence of a sacrifice made for the common safety , and by water which goes down a ship ' s hatches opened or other opening made for the purpose of making a jettison for the common safety , shall be allowed as general average 為了共同安全做出犧牲或其后果和為了共同安全進行拋棄而開艙或打洞以致進水,造成共同航程中的財產的損失,應作為共同海損受到補償。

[ article 16 ] where an inbound or outbound vessel or aircraft is forced to call or land at places without a customs office , or jettison or discharge goods at such places owing to force majeure , the officer of the carrier in charge shall report the matter to the nearby customs without delay 第十六條進出境船舶和航空器,由于不可抗力的原因,被迫在未設立海關的地點停泊、降落或者拋擲、起卸貨物、物品,運輸工具負責人應當立即報告附近海關。

Where an inbound or outbound vessel or aircraft is forced to call or land at places without a customs office , or jettison or discharge goods at such places owing to force majeure , the officer of the carrier in charge shall report the matter to the nearby customs without delay 第十六條進出境船舶和航空器,由于不可抗力的原因,被迫在未設立海關的地點停泊、降落或者拋擲、起卸貨物、物品,運輸工具負責人應當立即報告附近海關。

But road safety experts say they should jettison the chunky wide - armed variety of sunglasses worn by kylie minogue , paris hilton and victoria beckham - as well as those with pink or very dark lenses 但路面安全專家們則稱,女司機們不應該選擇如凱莉?米洛、帕里斯?希爾頓和維多利亞?貝克漢姆戴的那種寬邊太陽鏡,以及粉色或深色鏡片的太陽鏡。

Low - cost airlines and fast international trains mean many diplomats in europe can commute home for weekends with families and wives who have stayed put rather than jettison careers , mortgages or schools 廉價航班以及快速國際列車意味著歐洲的許多外交官得以在周末經常性返家,同留居國內的家屬和妻子在一起,而不必放棄事業、抵押或是就學。

The purpose of this paper is to advance a mode of scholarly inquiry that is real question - bound , whereas those grand declarations of position characterized by high abstraction and generality should be jettisoned 以望通過這種直接提供討論點、觀察點的方式而非抽象籠統的呼吁方式,對中國大陸學術思想品質的提升和改善給以具體的推動。

So far this reality has limited spaceflight to multistage expendable rockets or the space shuttle , which is assisted by strap - on fuel tanks and solid - fuel boosters that are jettisoned during ascent 目前為止,這個事實使太空飛行限于多階段擴張式火箭或是太空梭;后者在上升過程中拋出附加的燃料箱和固體燃料助力器。

Once a club has handed uefa its list , it cannot be changed and arsenal , knowing that cole ' s much - publicised book is set for release a week later , will choose to jettison the england man 一旦俱樂部的名單確定給uefa將不能更改,阿森那知道科爾等的自傳的下周出版之后,他們要選擇放棄這位英倫悍將。

When life - threatening accidents occur before the jettisoning of fairing , escape system will bring the astronauts to safety . escape system includes the escape tower and upper fairing 當運載火箭在拋整流罩前發生威脅太空人生命安全的重大故障時,逃逸系統肩負把太空人帶離危險區的重任。

Its managers decided to jettison their focus on steel bar , steel wire and other construction materials and to make sheet metal , used to make home appliances and cars 邯鋼的經理們決定拋棄以前的主打的鋼精,鐵絲和其他建筑材料等產品,轉為生產用于家庭用品和汽車零配件的鐵皮。

But jettisoning ferguson at this stage of the season would be pointless , heartless and disrespectful to the scot ' s achievements in transforming united ' s fortunes 但在賽季進行到目前階段,拋棄弗格森并不明智,這是對這位曾經改變曼聯命運的蘇格蘭教練的所取得成就的不尊重。

Environmental experts also are upset , saying the move could cram landfills with still - functioning appliances jettisoned as industrial waste 環境專家也加入反對的隊伍,聲明這個運動將會把一些仍然有用的設備作為垃圾掩埋起來,勢必引起工業上的浪費。

The multi - stage rocket will jettison its aft stages when fuel in these stages is exhausted . this reduces the weight of the rocket and increases its speed 多級火箭會把燃料用完的尾一級火箭依次分離丟掉,以減輕火箭的重量及增加速度。

No jettison of cargo shall be made good as general average , unless such cargo is carried in accordance with the recognised custom of the trade 被拋棄的貨物,除非按照公認的海運習慣運送,不得作為共同海損受到補償。

Throughout this 15 - year ordeal , japan has struggled with the difficult issue of what to jettison and what to cling on to 在這15年的痛苦經歷中,經濟問題中應該揚棄一些什么,成為困擾日本的難題。

Thus they often sounded quite christian , even though many of them had jettisoned major christian doctrines 所以他們往往聽起來相當具有基督教精神,盡管其中許多人揚棄了基督教的主要教義。