
jetliner 噴氣客機〔尤指班機〕。


British pop star sting checked in for the first commercial concorde flight from london since a deadly july 2000 crash of the supersonic jetliner , aiming to become , in the words of one of his countless hits , an englishman in new york 11月7日的飛行是協和飛機恢復客運以來的首次飛行。斯汀登上了這架從倫敦飛往紐約的飛機,正如他的一首歌的歌詞,斯汀這次要體驗一下“英國人在紐約

New delhi , india ( ap ) - the reported hijacking of an indian jetliner on a domestic flight wednesday night was a false alarm caused by an anonymous phone call and confusion aboard the aircraft , the government said 新德里,印度(美聯社) ?印度政府稱,星期三晚間所發布的有關印度一國內航線一架噴氣式客機被劫持事件,是由一個匿名報警電話和隨后引發的機上混亂所導致的一場虛驚

Some days later on january 15 , 2005 , a lacsa airlines jetliner carried us to costa rica to join local initiates in relief efforts for victims of the countrys heaviest flooding in over forty years 幾天之后,也就是元月15日,我們三人一起搭乘lacsa航空公司的噴射客機,從洛杉磯飛抵哥斯大黎加,加入當地同修的救災行列,援助那些遭受四十多年來最嚴重水患的災民。

Makassar , indonesia ( ap ) - part of a jetliner “ s tail , food trays and shards of fuselage were pulled from the ocean in northeastern indonesia on thursday , 10 days after a boeing 737 disappeared in a storm with 102 people on board 在一架載有102名旅客的波音737飛機遇風暴消失后10天,飛機尾翼的碎片,餐盤和機身碎片在印度尼西亞的東北海岸被打撈上岸。

Gunmen hijack egyptair flight 648 while en route from athens to cairo . when the plane lands in malta , egyptian commandos storm the hijacked jetliner , but 60 people die in the raid 1985年,持槍的歹徒劫持了從雅典飛住開羅的埃及航空飛機的648號。當飛機降落在馬爾他后,埃及的突擊隊員向被劫持的飛機發起猛烈的攻擊,然而60人在這次襲擊中喪生。

Gunmen hijack egyptair flight 648 while en route from athens to cairo . when the plane lands in malta , egyptian commandos storm the hijacked jetliner , but 60 people die in the raid 1985年,持槍的歹徒劫持了從雅典飛住開羅的埃及航空的648號飛機。當飛機降落在馬爾他后,埃及的突擊隊員向被劫持的飛機發起猛烈的攻擊,而60人在這次襲擊中喪生。

The china airline md - 11 jetliner , while landing the chek lap kok airport on 22 . 8 . 1999 , was pitched and eventually overturned by typhoon “ sam “ leaving 3 passengers dead and many others injured 一九九九年八月二十二日中華航空公司一架md - 11型噴射客機降落赤立角機場時,被臺風森姆吹倒后翻轉,造成三名乘客喪生及多名乘客受傷。

The china airline md - 11 jetliner , while landing the chek lap kok airport on 22 . 8 . 1999 , was pitched and eventually overturned by typhoon “ sam “ leaving 3 passengers dead and many others injured 一九九九年八月二十二日中華航空公司一架md - 11型噴射客機降落赤立角機場時,被臺風森姆吹倒后翻轉,造成三名乘客喪生及多名乘客受傷。

France ' s civil aviation authority announced tuesday that all 153 passengers killed in a colombian jetliner crash in western venezuela earlier in the day were french citizens and none survived 一架哥倫比亞客機當地時間16日凌晨在委內瑞拉西部墜毀,機上乘客均為法國人并已全部罹難。

Boeing is likely to launch its latest jetliner without a u . s . customer . it tentatively will offer a new 200 - seat jet for sale to japan ' s two biggest airlines 波音是可能的沒有一個美國顧客運行它的最近的噴射客機。它將嘗試性地提供到日本的2架最大的飛機待售的一口新的200位子噴氣。

An air france concorde took off from paris for new york shortly before the british airways jetliner left london as both companies resumed concorde passenger services . “ an englishman in new york 斯汀說: “協和飛機的速度是聲速的兩倍,坐在上面可以感到耳邊嗡嗡做響。

A midwest airlines jetliner with 90 people aboard landed safely at logan airport in boston late tuesday , u . s . media reported 據當地媒體報道,飛機從波士頓洛根國際機場起飛后不久飛行員即發現右側起落架有故障。

In 1958 , pan american airways flew its first boeing 707 jetliner from new york to paris in eight hours and 41 minutes 1958年,美國航空公司使用707噴氣客機第一次飛行,航線從紐約到巴黎,全程8個小時41分。

The modern wide - bodied jetliner is very large . inside , it looks more like a great theatre than ( like ) a plane 現代寬體噴氣式客機是很大的。它的內部與其說像一架飛機,倒不如說像一座大劇場。

The news came as the aircraft , the largest commercial jetliner ever built , made its maiden passenger flight 上述消息宣布之際,正值這種有史以來最大的商用飛機首次進行載客試飛。

Our chinese cultural learning camp begins as we board an international jetliner headed for shanghai , china 乘搭國際航機出發往中國上海,展開中華文化學習之旅

Search crews are still hunting through the wreckage of the jetliner which was carrying 155 people 搜尋者仍在載有155名乘客的飛機殘骸中搜尋。

Introducing the boeing 747 “ jumbo “ - the largest commercial jetliner ever built 有史以來最大的商用客機,稱為波音747珍寶客機。

At least 21 people are dead after a fiery jetliner crashing indonesia 一架起火的噴氣式飛機在印度尼西亞墜落,至少21人死亡。