
jet JET =Joint European Torus 歐洲...

jet black

Jet engines with which most modern high-speed aircrafts are equipped develop thrust on the same principle as the propellers of conventional aero-engines . 大多數現代高速飛機裝備的噴氣發動機產生推力的原理,與普通航空發動機的螺旋槳相同。

In the course of the early rig tests it was observed that, within limits, combustion efficiency was largely independent of the size of the fuel jet . 在早期的試驗器試驗時,已經發現在一定權限范圍之內,燃油噴注的大小對燃燒效率影響很小。

In spite of all its limitations, theoretical analysis of liquid jet and sheet breakup provides much useful information in several limiting cases . 盡管有這些限制,液體射流和液膜破裂的理論分析,仍為一些極限情況提供了許多有用的數據。

Jets of compressed air lift the hovercraft off the ground, and flexible skirts around the craft retain the air cushion, and help to keep it stable . 壓縮空氣的噴射氣流將氣墊船浮在地面上,船的四周有柔性圍裙來維持氣墊并使氣墊船穩定。

The jet engine requires a huge scavenging system sometimes using half as much power as the tunnel itself in order to keep contamination low . 噴氣發動機試驗要求龐大的排氣清除系統,以減輕污染,該系統有時要耗去風洞本身功率一半之多。

Thomas hudson took a shower, scrubbing his head with soap and then rinsing under the prickling drive of the sharp jetted shower . 托馬斯赫德森在淋浴間里先用肥皂搓頭,隨后用噴頭里射出來的清清細流沖洗干凈。

The origin of these particles is believed to be almost exclusively the jet drops formed during the bursting of bubbles at the ocean surface . 我們認為海洋表面氣泡破裂時形成的水滴差不多是這些粒子的唯一來源。

The heavy shadow of a jet from midway airport crossed the room, reminding me of the death of demmie vonghel . 來自中途機場的噴氣機,拖著陰沉的的影子從屋頂上掠過,勾起我對黛米馮格爾的死的思念。

A liquid drop removed from a sheet or jet may be exposed to the aerodynamic pressure effect of a high relative gas velocity . 離開液膜或射流的液滴,可能會受到高的相對速度氣體的氣動壓力影響。

The relaxation of the jet to its final diameter has been used to provide a direct estimate of the fluid relaxation time . 射流到其最終直徑的松弛過程,被用來對流體的松弛時間提供直接的估算。

The u.s. space shuttle took to the air for the first time on february 18, attached to the top of a boeing 747 jet . 美國航天飛機于2月18日首次試航,航天飛機馱在波音747噴氣飛機的背上。

A variety of mechanical surfaces have been employed for deflecting the exhaust jets of solid-propellant rockets . 人們已經用過各種類型的機械控制面來偏轉固體推進劑火箭的排氣流。

We have enriched our lives by creating physical mobility through the motor car , the jet aeroplane , and other . 通過汽車、噴氣飛機創造了人體的機動性,從而豐富了我們的人生。

The final part of this section deals with the effects of shock waves on the breakup of liquid jets and drops . 本節最后一部分涉及的是激波對液體射流和液滴破裂的影響。

Houses near airports sometimes have their windows broken by the noise of jet planes passing overhead . 機場附近的房屋的窗戶有時被在上空飛過的噴氣式飛機的響聲震破。

When he swims in the sea a big jet of water comes out into the air from the hole in his head . 當他在大海中游泳的時候,一股水柱就會從他頭頂上的洞里噴出,噴向空中。

A high-speed jet is formed in the bubble due to the convolution of the fluid on the boundary of the bubble . 由于在氣泡邊緣上流體的回旋,在氣泡中形成了高速射流。

Correlations relating spray properties to the degradation of jet properties have not yet been devised . 至于噴霧特性對射流參數的影響,到目前為止尚不清楚。

Understanding of the scour problem has been aided considerably by investigations of scour by jets . 理解沖刷問題在相當大的程度上曾借助于射流沖刷的研究。