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jesus christ 耶穌基督。


This fucker killed jimmy . - oh , jesus christ 這個雜種殺了吉米-喔,天啊!

Jesus christ , what am l - - ? - don ' t say that 上帝啊,我在? ?別在我面前說這個

They pray and sing songs in praise of jesus christ 他們祈禱并用歌聲贊美耶穌基督。

What took you so fucking long ? jesus christ 什么拖了你們這么久?耶穌基督

The resurrection of jesus christ , fact or fiction 耶穌基督的復活,是事實還是虛構

Jesus christ , you think she was really gonna cut you 上帝,你真以為她會割你

Why do i believe jesus christ was the son of god 為甚么我相信他是神的兒子?

Jesus christ is able to cure our spiritual pains 耶穌基督能夠醫治我們心靈的痛苦。

- jesus christ . you fucker . scared me shitless ! - 主耶穌.你這個笨蛋.你把我嚇死了

Jesus christ ! what is that ? wha - - ? what ' s that 天,那是怎么回事?怎么回事?

Jesus christ ! the damn thing has got teeth in it 上帝呀,這東西里居然還有一個牙齒

Jesus christ : life s greatest connection 01 06 02 耶穌基督:生命最大的連系01 06 02

Jesus christ ! what the fuck did you do to my face 天哪!你們把我的臉怎么了

Jesus christ : the good shepherd who cares for you and me 耶穌基督:我是好牧人

This is the kingdom under the lordship of jesus christ 這是以耶穌基督為主的國度。

Latter days ' saint of jesus christ , nagoya japan 末日圣徒,基督教會,日本名古屋。

We believe that the return of jesus christ is imminent 我們相信耶穌基督必快再來。

- no record of his calls to you . - jesus christ -這樣他給你打的電話就沒記錄了-天哪

Jesus christ , i almost felt sorry for the guy 耶穌基督,我幾乎有點同情他了