
jesus n.1.杰西〔男子名〕。2.【宗教】耶穌〔基督教的創始人...

jesus christ

Jesus said to her , your brother will rise again 23耶穌對她說,你兄弟必然復活。

So there was a division in the crowd because of jesus 于是眾人因著耶穌起了分爭

So jesus went over , took the bread , and gave it to them . . 耶穌就過來,拿了餅.

Dear jesus , please let this man let me go 上帝啊,請讓這個男人在我失去理智之前

I saw it in jesus christ . “ love is a reality 愛是真實的,我從他身上看見了愛。

I then asked , “ do you pray to jesus for help ? 我又問:你有沒有祈求耶穌幫忙?

To let our customers know about jesus christ 讓接觸過我們的顧客可以認識主耶穌。

[ congregation ] jesus is our hope . jesus is our forgiveness 主是希望望主寬恕

Deepiy moved once more , jesus went to the tomb . . 耶穌又心里悲嘆,來到墳墓前. .

Jesus ! can you tell just by looking at her ass 老天。你只看她的屁股就能知道?

You sassing my air jesus ? - don ' t listen to ben 你冒犯了我的耐克鞋?別聽本的

- we want insurance ? - jesus christ , miles -我們要保險金么? -耶穌基督,麥爾斯

We want insurance ? - jesus christ , miles 我們要保險金么? -耶穌基督,麥爾斯

“ jesus didn t have a lot of rules and regulations 約翰,我可以把故事講出來嗎?

Jesus saith unto her , thy brother shall rise again 23耶穌說,你兄弟必然復活。

And jesus walked in the temple in solomon ' s porch 耶穌在殿里所羅門的廊下行走。

Simon peter and another discipie foiiowed jesus 西門彼得和另一個門徒跟著耶穌。

How does the bible prove the resurrection of jesus 圣經如何證明耶穌基督的復活

Jesus responds , “ if ? “ if i can help you 我要將你所不知道,又大又難的事指示你