
jesuit n.1.【天主教】耶穌會會士。2.陰險的人,虛偽狡詐的人...


Warwickshire jesuits are tried and we have a porter s theory of equivocation . the sea venture comes home from bermudas and the play renan admired is written with patsy caliban , our american cousin . the sugared sonnets follow sidney s 368海洋冒險號從百慕大駛回國時, 369勒南所稱贊過的以我們的美國堂弟帕凱列班370為主人公的那出戲寫成了。

Taixi renshen shuogai ( outline of human body of the west ) and renshen tushuo ( illustrated explanation of the human body ) , translated by the jesuits in the 17th century , are two earliest chinese translations of western anatomy 摘要《泰西人身說概》和《人身圖說》是明末耶穌會士翻譯的兩部西方解剖學著作,也是中國最早的西方解剖學譯著。

Just a few metres from the museum is the city ' s most photographed symbol : the ruins of sao paulo , the jesuit church built in 1602 , although today only its imposing stone facade remains 離博物館不遠就是這個城市最具有標志性的建筑:圣保羅廢墟,這是建于1602年的基督教教堂,盡管今天只有它那由石頭砌成的雄偉的正面留了下來。

Just a few metres from the museum is the city ' s most photographed symbol : the ruins of sao paulo , the jesuit church built in 1602 , although today only its imposing stone facade remains 離博物館不遠就是這個城市最具有標志性的建筑:圣保羅廢墟,這是建于1602年的基督教教堂,盡管今天只有它那雄偉的石頭砌成的正面留了下來。

Research by georgetown university ( formally a jesuit outfit ) shows that although giving to diocesan fundraising campaigns dropped sharply after 2002 , donations to local parishes did not 喬治城大學(一個正式的耶穌會機構)的研究表明,盡管主教區的融資游說自2002年后大幅減少,但當地人對本地基礎教區的捐贈卻未減少。

They represent a tradition initiated by the jesuit peripatetic mission in the 17th and 18th centuries , continued and enriched by the franciscans during the 19th century and still prevailing today 它們所代表的建筑傳統,肇始于17 、 18世紀的耶穌會布道團,在19世紀的圣芳濟會的以繼續并發揚,并流行到今天。

“ chocolate contains many substances that act as stimulants , such as theobromine , phenethylamine , and caffeine , “ dr . bryan raudenbush from wheeling jesuit university in west virginia 西弗吉尼亞威林耶穌大學的布萊恩博士說: “巧克力內含有很多具有興奮作用的物質,如可可堿苯已基以及咖啡因。 ”

“ chocolate contains many substances that act as stimulants , such as theobromine , phenethylamine , and caffeine , “ dr . bryan raudenbush from wheeling jesuit university in west virginia 西弗吉尼亞威林耶穌大學的布萊恩博士說: “巧克力內含有很多具有興奮作用的物質,如可可堿、苯已基以及咖啡因。 ”

I blow him out about you , buck mulligan said , and then you come along with your lousy leer and your gloomy jesuit jibes . - i see little hope , stephen said , from her or from him “我對他把你大吹了一通, ”勃克穆利根說, “可你卻令人不快地斜眼瞟著,搬弄你那套耶酥會士的陰郁的嘲諷。 ”

“ chocolate contains many substances that act as such as theobromine , phenethylamine , and caffeine , “ dr . bryan raudenbush from wheeling jesuit university in west virginia 西弗吉尼亞威林耶穌大學的布萊恩博士說: “巧克力內含有很多具有興奮作用的物質,如可可堿苯已基以及咖啡因。 ”

Spanish jesuit missionary . a cofounder of the jesuit order ( 1534 ) with ignatius of loyola , he established missionaries in japan , ceylon , and the east indies 沙勿略,弗朗西斯1506 1552西班牙傳教士,他和羅耀拉一起創建了天主教耶穌會,后在日本、錫蘭和東印度建立傳教區

Golden globe winner gerard depardieu stars as a jesuit priest , dr . joachim ferrer . harboring a secret from his violent past and having found solace in . . 神父joachim ferrer有著充滿暴力而不想別人知的過去,加入教會后,他的精神得到了慰籍

Important as these commands were , they were not the basis of the christian faith : god ' s love for man was a more basic point , the jesuit argued 這名耶穌會會士辯稱,重要的是,這些命令并非基督教的基本信仰:更根本的在于上帝對人類的愛。

Fox : prospective society needs jesuit of true doer and rather than . the union of wisdom and moral character , meeting the world is inapproachable 狐貍型:未來社會需要真正的實干家而非陰謀家。聰明與品德的結合,會天下無敵。

Mother teresa mother teresa was inspired to work in india after reading reports sent home from jesuit missionaries in bengal 德蘭修女她閱讀過由孟加拉傳教士寄來的報告后,深受感動去印度服侍人。

During the seventeenth century , the jesuits came to china and brought the west physiological knowledge to chinese 摘要明末清初,隨著天主教耶穌會士的來華傳教,西方的解剖生理學開始傳入中國。

The jesuit interlude in china : role of jesuits in science , military technology , and philosophy east and west 天主教耶穌會在中國:耶穌會在東西方科學、軍事科技及哲學所扮演穿針引線的角色。

By 1623 the german rosicrucian movement was crushed under the weight of the counter - reformation led by the jesuits 在1623年,德國薔薇十字會運動被由耶穌會士領導的反對改革的勢力所* * 。

O you inquisitional drunken jew jesuit ! she gets you a job on the paper and then you go and slate her drivel to jaysus 她在報館里替你謀一份差事,你卻罵她是蹩腳演員,寫了那些蠢話。